bersih - clean
cemar - polluted
kotor - dirty
berlumpur - muddy
membuang - to throw
memelihara - to take care of
mencemari - to contaminate
dirusak - to be destroyed
menanam - to plant
memelihara lingkungan - to look after/take care of the environment
membuang sampah - to throw rubbish
mencemari lingkungan - to pollute the environment
melindungi sungai - to protect the river
melingungi udara - to protect the air (udara = air)
melindungi hutan - to protect the forest
mati - die (for animals)
meninggal - die (for people)
pelestarian - conservation
Sembarangan - just anywhere
hi ho hi ho off to learn indonesian we go... Guide to Learning Indonesian (According to the Curtin University Indonesian classes) April - May 2005: Indonesian 111 August - October 2005: Indonesian 112 April - May 2006: Indonesian 211
Monday, October 17, 2005
Describing the environment
Matahari - sun
Langit - sky
Awan - cloud
Puncak gunung - peak of a mountain
Gunung - mountain
Gunung api - volcano
sawah - rice fields
pohon - tree
hutan - forest/jungle
pantai - beach
kali - creek
sungai - river
laut - ocean
pasir - sand
bunga - flower
binatang - animal
serangga - insect
kupu-kupu - butterfly
orang utan - orangutan
badak - rhino
harimau - tiger
khatulistiwa - equator
Langit - sky
Awan - cloud
Puncak gunung - peak of a mountain
Gunung - mountain
Gunung api - volcano
sawah - rice fields
pohon - tree
hutan - forest/jungle
pantai - beach
kali - creek
sungai - river
laut - ocean
pasir - sand
bunga - flower
binatang - animal
serangga - insect
kupu-kupu - butterfly
orang utan - orangutan
badak - rhino
harimau - tiger
khatulistiwa - equator
To be over come by ___ (ke-an)
Basically you attach ke to the front of a noun, and an to the end of the noun to mean that you affected or over come by that noun.
For example:
kelaparan: lapar means hunger/hungry. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected by hunger.
kepanasan: panas means hot. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the heat.
kesorean: sore is afternoon. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the afternoon.
For example:
kelaparan: lapar means hunger/hungry. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected by hunger.
kepanasan: panas means hot. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the heat.
kesorean: sore is afternoon. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the afternoon.
Describing the weather
Bagaimana cuaca hari ini? (What is the weather like today?)
Cuaca di Perth hari ini cerah. - The weather in Perth is bright/clear. (cuaca = weather, cerah = bright/clear)
Suhu di Perth hari ini 28 derajat Celsius - the temperature in Perth is 28 degrees Celsius. (Suhu - temperature, derajat - degrees)
Suhu akan mencapai 28 derajat Celsius. - The temperature will reach 28 degrees Celsius. (akan = will, mencapai = to reach).
Cuaca di Perth hari ini cerah. - The weather in Perth is bright/clear. (cuaca = weather, cerah = bright/clear)
Suhu di Perth hari ini 28 derajat Celsius - the temperature in Perth is 28 degrees Celsius. (Suhu - temperature, derajat - degrees)
Suhu akan mencapai 28 derajat Celsius. - The temperature will reach 28 degrees Celsius. (akan = will, mencapai = to reach).
Sunday, October 16, 2005 teaches you words (and sometimes phrases) related to topics that would be handy for people wanting to learn some basics of Indonesian (and other languages). Topics covered are basic words, numbers, shopping, dining, travel, directions, and time and dates. If you click on a word, you can hear how it sounds like (and therefore practice how to say words listed properly). There are also quizzes that you can do to test yourself on topics.
Seasons in Indonesia (Musim di Indonesia)
Musim hujan - rainy season: december to march. hot and humid, rains daily.
Musim kemarau - dry season: april to november. hot and humid. usually not rainy and the air at night is colder.
Seasons in Australia (Musim di Australia)
Musim panas - summer
Musim gugur - autumn
Musim dingin - winter
Musim semi - spring
Musim hujan - rainy season: december to march. hot and humid, rains daily.
Musim kemarau - dry season: april to november. hot and humid. usually not rainy and the air at night is colder.
Seasons in Australia (Musim di Australia)
Musim panas - summer
Musim gugur - autumn
Musim dingin - winter
Musim semi - spring
Weather words (Ch 2)
Cuaca - weather
Derajat - degrees
Celsius - celsius
Suhu - temperature
Udara - air
prakiraan cuaca - weather forecast
hawa - climate
hujan - rain
lembab - humid
sejuk - cold
salju - snow
angin - wind
angin kencang - strong wind
angin ribut - storm
cerah - bright/clear
hujan turun - rain falling
mendung - cloudy
banjir - flood
mencapai - to reach
Derajat - degrees
Celsius - celsius
Suhu - temperature
Udara - air
prakiraan cuaca - weather forecast
hawa - climate
hujan - rain
lembab - humid
sejuk - cold
salju - snow
angin - wind
angin kencang - strong wind
angin ribut - storm
cerah - bright/clear
hujan turun - rain falling
mendung - cloudy
banjir - flood
mencapai - to reach
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 is a website where you can learn basics of different languages. Basically it's a search engine type thing. For example you type "Indonesian" in and search for it, and it has links to some educational resources to do with that language, such as books or language websites.
Monday, September 19, 2005
NSW HSC Online
The home page for the Indonesian NSW HSC Online is interesting, although it's not as good as the other sites such as in terms of interactivity and learning, it is still handy as there are activities to do such as listening exercises where you have to answer a question after you listen to the audio clip, and you can look at the sample answers just to check if youre right.
Other words...
Australia Terbuka - Australian Open
ketika - when
kejuaraan - championship
lahir - born
menempati - held/occupied
pelatih - coach
peringkat - level/ranking
pertandingan - competition
petenis - tennis player
bersantai - to relax
pada akhir minggu - at the weekend
taman hiburan - entertainment park
cabang - type
jumlah - total
medali - medals
negara - country
pesta olahraga asia tenggara - south east asia games
perunggu - bronze
terdiri dari - consists of
berbeda - different
maskot - mascot
mendapatkan - receive/get
iuran - fee
jangan khwatir - dont worry
melakukan - to do
waktu luang - free time
juara - champion
lulus - passed
meraih - achieved
pindah - moved
remaja - teenager/youth
sejak - since
berikutnya - following
beruntung - lucky
perusahaan rekaman - recording industry
acara - program
disiarkan - to be broadcasted
dunia - world
membantu - to help
memberikan - to give something
membintangi - to star in
motivasi - motivation
peran - role
sutradara - director (of a film or play)
ketika - when
kejuaraan - championship
lahir - born
menempati - held/occupied
pelatih - coach
peringkat - level/ranking
pertandingan - competition
petenis - tennis player
bersantai - to relax
pada akhir minggu - at the weekend
taman hiburan - entertainment park
cabang - type
jumlah - total
medali - medals
negara - country
pesta olahraga asia tenggara - south east asia games
perunggu - bronze
terdiri dari - consists of
berbeda - different
maskot - mascot
mendapatkan - receive/get
iuran - fee
jangan khwatir - dont worry
melakukan - to do
waktu luang - free time
juara - champion
lulus - passed
meraih - achieved
pindah - moved
remaja - teenager/youth
sejak - since
berikutnya - following
beruntung - lucky
perusahaan rekaman - recording industry
acara - program
disiarkan - to be broadcasted
dunia - world
membantu - to help
memberikan - to give something
membintangi - to star in
motivasi - motivation
peran - role
sutradara - director (of a film or play)
Sheila on 7
Sheila on 7 (also known as SO7) is a popular rock band in Indonesia. Many teenagers like their music. This band comes from Yogyakarta in Java. All of the band members study in this city. The name of SO7's band members are Duta (vocal), Eross (guitar), Adam (bass), and Anton (drums). This band is very lucky because SONY music (recording company) is their music label.
Sheila on 7 (also known as SO7) is a popular rock band in Indonesia. Many teenagers like their music. This band comes from Yogyakarta in Java. All of the band members study in this city. The name of SO7's band members are Duta (vocal), Eross (guitar), Adam (bass), and Anton (drums). This band is very lucky because SONY music (recording company) is their music label.
Yuni Shara
Yuni Shara is the most well known singer in Indonesia. Yuni is 25 yrs old. She was born in Malang in Java. In lower school Yuni liked singing. Before she completed lower school, Yuni's family moved to Jakarta. When she was in High School, Yuni and her little sister, Yanti, joined the Radio Star Fesstival in 1987. Yuni achieved 2nd place. In the following two years, Yuni was number 1. Currently, Yanti is an Indonesian soap star in Indonesia and Yuni is a singer.
Yuni Shara is the most well known singer in Indonesia. Yuni is 25 yrs old. She was born in Malang in Java. In lower school Yuni liked singing. Before she completed lower school, Yuni's family moved to Jakarta. When she was in High School, Yuni and her little sister, Yanti, joined the Radio Star Fesstival in 1987. Yuni achieved 2nd place. In the following two years, Yuni was number 1. Currently, Yanti is an Indonesian soap star in Indonesia and Yuni is a singer.
Wynne Prakusya
Translation from the book:
Nama lengkap (Full name): Wynne Adiatia Prakusya
Tanggal lahir (DOB): 26 April 1981
Tempat lahir (Born where): Solo, Java
Alamat (residence?): Jakarta
Wynne is 20 yrs old (although now I suppose she is 24 yrs old!). Wynne was born in the city of Solo in the island of Java. She is the best known tennis player in Indonesia. She practices tennis every day.
Wynne started playing tennis when she was 10 yrs old. She is very clever at this sport and practices every day with her coach. 2 years ago, Wynne competed in the French Open Junior Tournament. In 1995 she held the number 19 ranking in the tennis juniors.
Wynne competed in many tournaments in Indonesia, England, Canada, France, USA, NZ and Australia. In 2001 she held the number 89 ranking in the world. In 2002 she played in the Australian Open.
Nama lengkap (Full name): Wynne Adiatia Prakusya
Tanggal lahir (DOB): 26 April 1981
Tempat lahir (Born where): Solo, Java
Alamat (residence?): Jakarta
Wynne is 20 yrs old (although now I suppose she is 24 yrs old!). Wynne was born in the city of Solo in the island of Java. She is the best known tennis player in Indonesia. She practices tennis every day.
Wynne started playing tennis when she was 10 yrs old. She is very clever at this sport and practices every day with her coach. 2 years ago, Wynne competed in the French Open Junior Tournament. In 1995 she held the number 19 ranking in the tennis juniors.
Wynne competed in many tournaments in Indonesia, England, Canada, France, USA, NZ and Australia. In 2001 she held the number 89 ranking in the world. In 2002 she played in the Australian Open.
By adding "-kah" to a word it is making the word into a question mark... cept it is used as an addition to the first word of the question, not the last word of a question.
Lucukah ibumu? - is your mum funny?
Cantikkah pacarmu? - is your girlfriend beautiful? (lets hope the answer to that is yes for his/her sake!)
Inginkah anda ke bioskop nonton Wedding Crashers? - would you like to go to the cinemas to watch wedding crashers?
Lucukah ibumu? - is your mum funny?
Cantikkah pacarmu? - is your girlfriend beautiful? (lets hope the answer to that is yes for his/her sake!)
Inginkah anda ke bioskop nonton Wedding Crashers? - would you like to go to the cinemas to watch wedding crashers?
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Belum - not yet
Boleh - may
Ingin - wish
Mau - want
Sudah - already
Akan - will
Dapat - can/able to
Harus - must
Bisa - can
Other words
Tadi malam - last night
Tadi - a little while before
Nanti - a little while later
Nanti malam - later tonight
Boleh - may
Ingin - wish
Mau - want
Sudah - already
Akan - will
Dapat - can/able to
Harus - must
Bisa - can
Other words
Tadi malam - last night
Tadi - a little while before
Nanti - a little while later
Nanti malam - later tonight
Bermain = Pemain = Player
Just as a recap, when you are using "Ber" (or "me") in some cases, it means you are transforming a word into a verb. For example, latihan means practice, but berlatih means to practice. To get the noun (ie, the person who is doing the verb), you take off the "ber" and add "pe". In this case, it would make "Pelatih". And Pelatih means the coach or trainer.
Below is an example of how the verb can be transformed into the 'player'.
Below is an example of how the verb can be transformed into the 'player'.
How many times a week do you do ___?
How many times a week do you do ____? (Berapa kali seminggu anda _____?)
For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda membaca koran? (koran = newspaper)
Saya membaca koran empat kali seminggu (I read the newspaper 4 times a week)
Other answers to 'berapa kali seminggu anda ___?' other than stating how many times a week one does that activity includes:
tidak pernah - never
tidak setiap minggu - not every week
tidak setiap hari - not every day
setiap hari - every day
For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda berenang di kolam renang? (How many times a week do you swim per week at the swimming pool?)
Saya tidak pernah berenang di kolam renang (I never swim at the swimming pool)
Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain bola basket?
Saya tidak setiap minggu bermain bola basket. (I don't swim at the swimming pool every week)
Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain piano?
Saya tidak setiap hari bermain piano. (I don't play the piano every day)
Berapa kali seminggu anda mendengarkan musik?
Saya setiap hari mendengarkan musik. (I listen to music every day)
This is also an alternative answer:
Berapa kali seminggu adik anda berlari? (How many times a week does your little sibling jog/run?)
Adik saya belari pada akhir minggu. (My little sibling jogs/runs on the weekends)
For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda membaca koran? (koran = newspaper)
Saya membaca koran empat kali seminggu (I read the newspaper 4 times a week)
Other answers to 'berapa kali seminggu anda ___?' other than stating how many times a week one does that activity includes:
tidak pernah - never
tidak setiap minggu - not every week
tidak setiap hari - not every day
setiap hari - every day
For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda berenang di kolam renang? (How many times a week do you swim per week at the swimming pool?)
Saya tidak pernah berenang di kolam renang (I never swim at the swimming pool)
Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain bola basket?
Saya tidak setiap minggu bermain bola basket. (I don't swim at the swimming pool every week)
Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain piano?
Saya tidak setiap hari bermain piano. (I don't play the piano every day)
Berapa kali seminggu anda mendengarkan musik?
Saya setiap hari mendengarkan musik. (I listen to music every day)
This is also an alternative answer:
Berapa kali seminggu adik anda berlari? (How many times a week does your little sibling jog/run?)
Adik saya belari pada akhir minggu. (My little sibling jogs/runs on the weekends)
Chapter 1: Sports and entertainment (Olahraga dan hiburan)
Hobbies (hobi)
berbelanja - shopping
bermalas-malas - lazing around
bersepatu roda - rollerskating
memancing - fishing
mengumpulkan perangko - collecting stamps
surat-menyurat - corresponding/letter writing
Sports (olahraga)
lari - to swim
layar - to sail
bertanding - to compete
angkat besi - weight lifting
atletik - athletics
balap sepeda - cycling
berkuda - equestrian
bilyar - billiards
bola net - netball
bulutangkis - badminton
golf - golf
hoki - hockey
karate-do - karate
mendayung - rowing
menembak - shooting
anggar - fencing
senam - gymnastics
panahan - archery
pencak silat - indonesian martial arts
renang - swimming
sepak takraw - ball game
squash - squash
tae kwon do - tae kwon do
tenis meja - table tennis
tinju - boxing
yudo - judo
berbelanja - shopping
bermalas-malas - lazing around
bersepatu roda - rollerskating
memancing - fishing
mengumpulkan perangko - collecting stamps
surat-menyurat - corresponding/letter writing
Sports (olahraga)
lari - to swim
layar - to sail
bertanding - to compete
angkat besi - weight lifting
atletik - athletics
balap sepeda - cycling
berkuda - equestrian
bilyar - billiards
bola net - netball
bulutangkis - badminton
golf - golf
hoki - hockey
karate-do - karate
mendayung - rowing
menembak - shooting
anggar - fencing
senam - gymnastics
panahan - archery
pencak silat - indonesian martial arts
renang - swimming
sepak takraw - ball game
squash - squash
tae kwon do - tae kwon do
tenis meja - table tennis
tinju - boxing
yudo - judo
On friday, Bu Indra was really keen for us to hear Peterpan and Yuni Shara as apparently music is part of our topic, 'going on holidays'. I was just telling one of my friends about how I have like... 2 words from the song stuck in my head right now. I've got 'apa denganmu' in my head. Earlier, I was telling her about what Bu Indra told us about people getting paid 20 cents per word as a translator and all these other things she says about the things you can do with Indonesian in the future. And that Bu Indra wants at least one of her students to create an Indonesian video or texts. I said to my friend that she can do all the artistic designer stuff, and I'll just feed her with the phrases. It could work!
But anyway, back to the main topic - musik. Bu Indra showed us video clips of Peterpan's Ada Apa Denganmu and one of Yuni's songs.
Because our translation of Ada Apa Denganmu isn't that great, I looked it up. I found something I thought was funny at
I found a better translation of Ada Apa Denganmu from one of his/her commentors, which I think is better than our class' and the Indolaysia's author's translation.
Ada Apa Dengamu by Peterpan
Sudah maafkan aku, segala salahku,
Dan bila kau tetap bisu ungkapkan salahmu.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.
Sudah, lupakan semua: segala berubah
Dan kita terlupakan kita terluka.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.
Kutanya malam, dapatkah kau lihatnya
Perbedaan yang tak terungkapkan?
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?
Oh...hanya malam dapat meleburkan
Segala rasa yang tak terungkapkan.
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?
What is the matter with you? by Peterpan
After forgiving me
All of my wrongdoings
And when you remain silent
Remember your own mistakes
And I, who I am (*sifatku -- my characteristic but also who I am*)
And I, my weaknesses (*khilafku -- innate flaws*)
And I, my love (*cintaku - my love, not that he loves himself; that would be Dan I cinta kepada diriku*)
And I, my sorrow (*he misses someone - the girl he is singing to, not himself*)
Have forgotten everything
Everything has changed
And we've forgotten
And we've been hurt
And I, who I am
And I, my innate weaknesses
And I, my love
And I, my sorrow
(*They've broken up and forgotten a lot about their relationship?
Everything does not appear to be the same anymore when they meet?
They've forgotten -- all of the good times?
They've both been hurt by the ordeal?
And he is who he is, -- Only human?
With his innate flaws
With his loves
And his sorrow*)
I ask the night
Can you see the difference?
That is not spoken?
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?
(*Did they meet at night?
He looks at her and wonders if she is still the same girl that he knew those many nights ago?
Yet he cannot see any difference - it cannot be identified.
And so he questions himself
Why has she not changed?
Was this a egotistical call on his side because he wanted to believe that he had a more profound effect on her?
Or is it because he does not know why she remains to be the same girl that he cared for? And thus still does?
Or is it because he sees her for who she really is now, now that he is no longer blinded by love and wonders what he ever saw in her?*)
Only the night can release
All the feeling that is not spoken
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?
(*So, only the night can free him from the hauntings of his mind.
And the emotions that cloud his head.
Why has she not changed?
What is with her?*)
But anyway, back to the main topic - musik. Bu Indra showed us video clips of Peterpan's Ada Apa Denganmu and one of Yuni's songs.
Because our translation of Ada Apa Denganmu isn't that great, I looked it up. I found something I thought was funny at
"The biggest band in Indonesia, without a doubt, is Peterpan. (Yes, one word.) Their sound is pretty standard pop-rock, and there is no real reason why they should be popular instead of any number of other cookie cutter mass produced bands, but they are the ones. Whereever you go in Indonesia, in any shop or any internet cafe, you can here their latest album being played. It's called Bintang di Surga, which means "Stars in Heaven." It's even popular in Malaysia--we were at a mall a couple months ago and heard it being played on the loudspeakers. Their biggest hit is "Ada Apa Denganmu?," which means "What Is It With You?" This is like the "Hey Ya" of Indonesia; not that it sounds anything like it, but rather that it is a song that is pretty inescapable. Naturally, it's become so ingrained in our head that before we left, we had to buy the album. As far as mass-produced pop-rock goes, it's pretty listenable."
I found a better translation of Ada Apa Denganmu from one of his/her commentors, which I think is better than our class' and the Indolaysia's author's translation.
Ada Apa Dengamu by Peterpan
Sudah maafkan aku, segala salahku,
Dan bila kau tetap bisu ungkapkan salahmu.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.
Sudah, lupakan semua: segala berubah
Dan kita terlupakan kita terluka.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.
Kutanya malam, dapatkah kau lihatnya
Perbedaan yang tak terungkapkan?
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?
Oh...hanya malam dapat meleburkan
Segala rasa yang tak terungkapkan.
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?
What is the matter with you? by Peterpan
After forgiving me
All of my wrongdoings
And when you remain silent
Remember your own mistakes
And I, who I am (*sifatku -- my characteristic but also who I am*)
And I, my weaknesses (*khilafku -- innate flaws*)
And I, my love (*cintaku - my love, not that he loves himself; that would be Dan I cinta kepada diriku*)
And I, my sorrow (*he misses someone - the girl he is singing to, not himself*)
Have forgotten everything
Everything has changed
And we've forgotten
And we've been hurt
And I, who I am
And I, my innate weaknesses
And I, my love
And I, my sorrow
(*They've broken up and forgotten a lot about their relationship?
Everything does not appear to be the same anymore when they meet?
They've forgotten -- all of the good times?
They've both been hurt by the ordeal?
And he is who he is, -- Only human?
With his innate flaws
With his loves
And his sorrow*)
I ask the night
Can you see the difference?
That is not spoken?
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?
(*Did they meet at night?
He looks at her and wonders if she is still the same girl that he knew those many nights ago?
Yet he cannot see any difference - it cannot be identified.
And so he questions himself
Why has she not changed?
Was this a egotistical call on his side because he wanted to believe that he had a more profound effect on her?
Or is it because he does not know why she remains to be the same girl that he cared for? And thus still does?
Or is it because he sees her for who she really is now, now that he is no longer blinded by love and wonders what he ever saw in her?*)
Only the night can release
All the feeling that is not spoken
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?
(*So, only the night can free him from the hauntings of his mind.
And the emotions that cloud his head.
Why has she not changed?
What is with her?*)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Tonight I found a website called my language where you can get e-pals from all over the world who speak different languages. sort of like a language exchange pen pal program type thing. um. yeah. anyway, i noticed that bahasa indonesia was there. i havent signed up though. i got distracted by word games.
i'm currently playing hangman.... and the answer is harganya berapa. you can create your own hangman game there for people to test their skills out too. the categories of hangman games are popular expressions, famous quotes, proverbs, famous name or title, and 'other'. asyik, ya?
i'm currently playing hangman.... and the answer is harganya berapa. you can create your own hangman game there for people to test their skills out too. the categories of hangman games are popular expressions, famous quotes, proverbs, famous name or title, and 'other'. asyik, ya?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Last night Christina tested me once again on my Indonesian. This time I was able to say more stuff. Yay! lol But she totally, utterly confused me with some sentences that I didn't understand.
For example:
Chris: kita kan berbicara biasa, bukan pekerjaan rumah
Angie: is that we usually talk right, no homework?
Chris: it's something like "we're having normal conversation, not homework"
[Oh. i wonder what biasa and kan means. i thought biasa meant 'usually' as in biasnya. and kan is like.... isnt that right which is a question tag used at the end of a question. I always thought it was the last word, like, "You like this, right?"]
Chris: kan kamu murid yang rajin
Angie: murid dan rajin apa artinya?
Chris: murid = student
Chris: do you know it as 'pelajar' ?
Angie: probably
Chris: rajin = dilligent
Chris: or hardworking
[Oh. I see. I'm glad I know how to say "apa artinya?" now... :-|]
I can't believe I got an Indo work out at 12:30+ in the morning!!!!! Oh well. At least I learned something new....
For example:
Chris: kita kan berbicara biasa, bukan pekerjaan rumah
Angie: is that we usually talk right, no homework?
Chris: it's something like "we're having normal conversation, not homework"
[Oh. i wonder what biasa and kan means. i thought biasa meant 'usually' as in biasnya. and kan is like.... isnt that right which is a question tag used at the end of a question. I always thought it was the last word, like, "You like this, right?"]
Chris: kan kamu murid yang rajin
Angie: murid dan rajin apa artinya?
Chris: murid = student
Chris: do you know it as 'pelajar' ?
Angie: probably
Chris: rajin = dilligent
Chris: or hardworking
[Oh. I see. I'm glad I know how to say "apa artinya?" now... :-|]
I can't believe I got an Indo work out at 12:30+ in the morning!!!!! Oh well. At least I learned something new....
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Other stuff to say about clothing
Keren, ya? - Isn't that cool?
kaus - t-shirt
hat - topi
sash/scarf - selendang
gelang - bracelet, bangle
black sungalasses - kaca mata hitam
pearl necklace - kalung mutiara
shorts - celana pendek
kaus - t-shirt
hat - topi
sash/scarf - selendang
gelang - bracelet, bangle
black sungalasses - kaca mata hitam
pearl necklace - kalung mutiara
shorts - celana pendek
What I'm wearing today
Hari ini saya memkai - Today I'm wearing ....
Today I'm wearing a red, blue and white jumper. My pants are red. My earrings are made from gold.
Hari ini saya memkai baju berwana merah, biru dan putih. Celana berwarna merah. Anting-anting terbuat dari emas.
Hari ini aku memakai baju merah, biru dan putih. Celana merah. Anting-anting buat dari emas.
Today I'm wearing a red, blue and white jumper. My pants are red. My earrings are made from gold.
Hari ini saya memkai baju berwana merah, biru dan putih. Celana berwarna merah. Anting-anting terbuat dari emas.
Hari ini aku memakai baju merah, biru dan putih. Celana merah. Anting-anting buat dari emas.
Size & colour
Just in case people don't get it, you're supposed to ask for sizes like this:
Sales assistant: Mau ukuran berapa? (What size do you want?)
Shopper: Ukuran dua belas. (Size 12).
And to ask for a certain colour...:
Shop assistant: Suka warna kemeja ini? (What colour do you like this shirt in?)
Shopper: Saya tidak suka merah muda. Ada warna yang lain? (I don't like pink. What other colours are there?)
Shop assistant: Ada yang biru, hitam dan putih. (There is blue, black and white ones).
And to say its too (short/tight/long, etc)
A: Celana ini cocok buat saya? (Does this pants look good on me?)
B: Wah!! Yang itu terlalu longgar!!! (Whoa! It's too long!)
Sales assistant: Mau ukuran berapa? (What size do you want?)
Shopper: Ukuran dua belas. (Size 12).
And to ask for a certain colour...:
Shop assistant: Suka warna kemeja ini? (What colour do you like this shirt in?)
Shopper: Saya tidak suka merah muda. Ada warna yang lain? (I don't like pink. What other colours are there?)
Shop assistant: Ada yang biru, hitam dan putih. (There is blue, black and white ones).
And to say its too (short/tight/long, etc)
A: Celana ini cocok buat saya? (Does this pants look good on me?)
B: Wah!! Yang itu terlalu longgar!!! (Whoa! It's too long!)
'the most'
There are two different patterns.
1) "... adalah yang ter + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
For example:
Cincin saya adalah yang termahal - My ring is the most expensive.
Australia adalah pulau yang terbesar - Australia is the largest island.
Rok dia adalah yang terindah - Her dress is the most beautiful.
2) ".... adalah yang paling + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
Mobil ini adalah yang paling baru - This car is the newest.
Rumah itu adalah yang paling lama - That house is the oldest.
1) "... adalah yang ter + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
For example:
Cincin saya adalah yang termahal - My ring is the most expensive.
Australia adalah pulau yang terbesar - Australia is the largest island.
Rok dia adalah yang terindah - Her dress is the most beautiful.
2) ".... adalah yang paling + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
Mobil ini adalah yang paling baru - This car is the newest.
Rumah itu adalah yang paling lama - That house is the oldest.
..... compared to .......
The pattern "1st subject/object + lebih + adjective + daripada + 2nd subject/object"
For example:
Sepatu ini lebih kecil daripada sepatu itu - These shoes are smaller compared to those shoes.
Merek celana jins lebih keren daripada merek celana itu - These brand of jeans are more trendy compared to that brand of jeans.
Jas ini lebih bermutu baik daripada jas itu - This jacket is of better quality compared to that jacket.
For example:
Sepatu ini lebih kecil daripada sepatu itu - These shoes are smaller compared to those shoes.
Merek celana jins lebih keren daripada merek celana itu - These brand of jeans are more trendy compared to that brand of jeans.
Jas ini lebih bermutu baik daripada jas itu - This jacket is of better quality compared to that jacket.
Degree of comparison ('Se' prefix)
SE + ADJECTIVE = as ____ as _____
For example:
Makananku seenak makananmu - My food is as tasty as your food.
Rok ini semahal rok itu - This dress is as expensive as that dress.
Mary secantik Elizabeth - Mary is as pretty as Elizabeth.
Jeruk ini semanis jeruk itu - This orange is as sweet as that orange.
For example:
Makananku seenak makananmu - My food is as tasty as your food.
Rok ini semahal rok itu - This dress is as expensive as that dress.
Mary secantik Elizabeth - Mary is as pretty as Elizabeth.
Jeruk ini semanis jeruk itu - This orange is as sweet as that orange.
The 'ber' prefix
BER + NOUN = TO HAVE _____
So therefore........
BER + WARNA = To have colour
BER + MAIN = To (have) play/do
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
BER + MEREK = To have a brand name
For example, bermerek adidas (brand named adidas)
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
For example, bermotif bintik-bintik (to have a polka dot pattern)
bermotif garis-garis (to have a striped pattern)
bermotif kotak-kotak (to have a checked pattern)
So therefore........
BER + WARNA = To have colour
BER + MAIN = To (have) play/do
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
BER + MEREK = To have a brand name
For example, bermerek adidas (brand named adidas)
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
For example, bermotif bintik-bintik (to have a polka dot pattern)
bermotif garis-garis (to have a striped pattern)
bermotif kotak-kotak (to have a checked pattern)
Monday, August 29, 2005
More general clothes...stuff...
More ways of how to say you want to bargain...
Boleh ditawar? (Can be bargained?)
Boleh kurang? (Can it be less?)
Ada diskon? (Is there a discount?)
Or... if the sales person doesnt want to bargain. Harga pas. (Fixed price)
How to say a clothing is made from a certain fabric
Pattern: Piece of clothing + ini (this) + terbuat dari (made from) + fabric
This jacket is made from leather would be: Jas ini terbuat dari kulit (jas being jacket, kulit meaning leather).
This pattern obviously changes if I'm talking about someone's clothing.... like maybe yours!
Your shirt is made from cotton would be: Kemeja anda terbuat dari katun
Some more adjectives for clothing: Opposites
Longgar (loose) x Sempit (tight)
Keren (trendy - for car, clothes, etc) x Kuno (ancient, old fasioned)
Panjang (long) x Pendek (short)
Baru (new) x Lama (old object)
Bagus (good) and indah (beautiful) - both are for inanimate objects. An inanimate ugly object would be "jelek".
Pretty (woman) - cantik x buruk (Ugly {person})
Boleh ditawar? (Can be bargained?)
Boleh kurang? (Can it be less?)
Ada diskon? (Is there a discount?)
Or... if the sales person doesnt want to bargain. Harga pas. (Fixed price)
How to say a clothing is made from a certain fabric
Pattern: Piece of clothing + ini (this) + terbuat dari (made from) + fabric
This jacket is made from leather would be: Jas ini terbuat dari kulit (jas being jacket, kulit meaning leather).
This pattern obviously changes if I'm talking about someone's clothing.... like maybe yours!
Your shirt is made from cotton would be: Kemeja anda terbuat dari katun
Some more adjectives for clothing: Opposites
Longgar (loose) x Sempit (tight)
Keren (trendy - for car, clothes, etc) x Kuno (ancient, old fasioned)
Panjang (long) x Pendek (short)
Baru (new) x Lama (old object)
Bagus (good) and indah (beautiful) - both are for inanimate objects. An inanimate ugly object would be "jelek".
Pretty (woman) - cantik x buruk (Ugly {person})
Chapter 11: Clothes
Clothes (pakaian)
Earrings - anting-anting
Jumper/top - baju
Pants - celana
Track pants - celana olahraga
Jeans - celana jins
Ring - cincin
Watch - jam tangan
Proper Jacket - jas
Socks - kaus kaki
Shirt - kemeja
Skirt/dress - rok
Sandals - sandal
Shoes - sepatu
Belt - ikat pinggang
Made from.... - terbuat dari
Gold - emas
Silver - perak
Cotton - katun
Leather - kulit
Plastic - plastik
Silk - sutera
Wool - wol
Fabric Patterns
To have a pattern - bermotif ....
Polka dots - bintik-bintik
Striped - garis-garis
Checked - kotak-kotak
How it all fits....
Fit, the right size - pas
Loose - longgar
Size - ukuran
What size? - Berapa ukuran?
Is/are .... brand - bermerek
Brand - merek
Trendy - keren
Good quality - bermutu baik
To look for - memcari (informal: cari)
looks good on.../suits... - cocok buat...
To Get - dapat
Over there - di situ
Fitting room - kamar pas
Worry - kuatir
To bargain - menawar or tawar-menawar
To pick - pilih
Please pick - Silakan pilih
Another colour - warna yang lain
These ones/this one - yang ini
Those ones, that one - yang itu
Another one - yang lain
Earrings - anting-anting
Jumper/top - baju
Pants - celana
Track pants - celana olahraga
Jeans - celana jins
Ring - cincin
Watch - jam tangan
Proper Jacket - jas
Socks - kaus kaki
Shirt - kemeja
Skirt/dress - rok
Sandals - sandal
Shoes - sepatu
Belt - ikat pinggang
Made from.... - terbuat dari
Gold - emas
Silver - perak
Cotton - katun
Leather - kulit
Plastic - plastik
Silk - sutera
Wool - wol
Fabric Patterns
To have a pattern - bermotif ....
Polka dots - bintik-bintik
Striped - garis-garis
Checked - kotak-kotak
How it all fits....
Fit, the right size - pas
Loose - longgar
Size - ukuran
What size? - Berapa ukuran?
Is/are .... brand - bermerek
Brand - merek
Trendy - keren
Good quality - bermutu baik
To look for - memcari (informal: cari)
looks good on.../suits... - cocok buat...
To Get - dapat
Over there - di situ
Fitting room - kamar pas
Worry - kuatir
To bargain - menawar or tawar-menawar
To pick - pilih
Please pick - Silakan pilih
Another colour - warna yang lain
These ones/this one - yang ini
Those ones, that one - yang itu
Another one - yang lain
Other words from Chapter 10
karena - because of
lebih baik nggak - better not
lebih suka - prefer
mengapa - why
pasti - sure
bilang - say, said
siapa bilang? - who says?
hati-hati - be careful
lain kali - the next time
lihat - look
maksud kamu... - what you mean is...
maksud saya... - what I mean is
nggak apa-apa - it doesn't matter
senang - happy
lebih baik nggak - better not
lebih suka - prefer
mengapa - why
pasti - sure
bilang - say, said
siapa bilang? - who says?
hati-hati - be careful
lain kali - the next time
lihat - look
maksud kamu... - what you mean is...
maksud saya... - what I mean is
nggak apa-apa - it doesn't matter
senang - happy
Grammar for Chapter 10 (fruits)
Double adjectives are used to emphasise an adjective.
Semangka besar-besar - The watermelon's very big
Durian bau aneh-aneh - The durian smells very strange
Apokad segar-segar - The avocado's very fresh
Mangganya jingga-jingga - The mango's are orange coloured
"Sudah lama" is used to express "for a long time".
Saya sudah lama tinggal di Perth - I have lived in Perth for a long time.
Dia sudah lama nggak nonton video - She hasn't watched videos for a long time.
Kakak sudah lama main bola basket - My older sibling hasn't played basket ball for a long time.
Silakan - Please (do something)
Silakan coba ini mangga - Please try this mango
Silakan membaca buku ini - Please read this book
Silakan ambil apel di pohon itu - Please take an apple from that tree. (pohon = tree, ambil = take)
Silakan is the opposite of "Jangan", which is 'Don't'
How to emphasise something
Use the pattern: subject + description = emphasis on subject.
Rasa mangga ini manis - The taste of this mango is sweet
Warna bola ini merah - The colour of this ball is red
Kulit durian ini berduri - The skin of this durian is spiky
Semangka besar-besar - The watermelon's very big
Durian bau aneh-aneh - The durian smells very strange
Apokad segar-segar - The avocado's very fresh
Mangganya jingga-jingga - The mango's are orange coloured
"Sudah lama" is used to express "for a long time".
Saya sudah lama tinggal di Perth - I have lived in Perth for a long time.
Dia sudah lama nggak nonton video - She hasn't watched videos for a long time.
Kakak sudah lama main bola basket - My older sibling hasn't played basket ball for a long time.
Silakan - Please (do something)
Silakan coba ini mangga - Please try this mango
Silakan membaca buku ini - Please read this book
Silakan ambil apel di pohon itu - Please take an apple from that tree. (pohon = tree, ambil = take)
Silakan is the opposite of "Jangan", which is 'Don't'
How to emphasise something
Use the pattern: subject + description = emphasis on subject.
Rasa mangga ini manis - The taste of this mango is sweet
Warna bola ini merah - The colour of this ball is red
Kulit durian ini berduri - The skin of this durian is spiky
Buying fruits
Sekilo - a kilo. Eg, a kilo of oranges would be sekilo jeruk. 2 kilos of oranges would be dua kilo jeruk.
Sesisir - a bunch/hand (eg of bananas). Eg, sesisir pisang means a bunch of bananas. 2 bunches of bananas would be dua sisir pisang
Seikat - a tied bunch (eg rambutan). Eg, seikat rambutan, seikat anggur. 2 bunches of grapes would be dua ikat anggur.
Sebuah - a fruit... Eg 1 apple would be sebuah apel. 2 apples would be dua buah apel.
Other words
Please try! - Silakan coba! - silakan means please, coba means try
Cheap - murah
Expensive - mahal
To buy - membeli
Big - besar
Small - kecil
Only - cuma
Some phrases that may be said when bargaining
Can bargain? - Boleh menawar?
Is that ok or not? - Boleh nggak?
A little higher (offer a higher price) - Naikkan sedikit
I won't make any profit! - Nanti saya rugi
Sekilo - a kilo. Eg, a kilo of oranges would be sekilo jeruk. 2 kilos of oranges would be dua kilo jeruk.
Sesisir - a bunch/hand (eg of bananas). Eg, sesisir pisang means a bunch of bananas. 2 bunches of bananas would be dua sisir pisang
Seikat - a tied bunch (eg rambutan). Eg, seikat rambutan, seikat anggur. 2 bunches of grapes would be dua ikat anggur.
Sebuah - a fruit... Eg 1 apple would be sebuah apel. 2 apples would be dua buah apel.
Other words
Please try! - Silakan coba! - silakan means please, coba means try
Cheap - murah
Expensive - mahal
To buy - membeli
Big - besar
Small - kecil
Only - cuma
Some phrases that may be said when bargaining
Can bargain? - Boleh menawar?
Is that ok or not? - Boleh nggak?
A little higher (offer a higher price) - Naikkan sedikit
I won't make any profit! - Nanti saya rugi
Describing fruit

Ini pisang. Kulitnya berwarna kuning. Dagingnya berwarna kuning muda. Rasanya manis. Saya suka pisang.
(This is a banana. The skin is yellow. The flesh is light yellow. It tastes sweet. I like bananas.)

Ini nanas. Kulitnya keras dan berduri. Dagingnya berwana kuning. Rasanya asam. Saya benci nanas.
(This is a pineappe. The skin is tough and spiky. The flesh is yellow. It tastes sour. I hate pineapples.)

Ini rambutan. Kulitnya berwana merah. Dagingnya berwarna putih. Rasanya manis. Saya suka sekali Rambutan!
(This is a rambutan. The skin is red. The flesh is yellow. It tastes sweet. I really like rambutan!)

Ini durian. Kulitnya keras dan berduri. Dagingnya berwarna krem. Rasanya manis sekali. Buanya aneh....... buanya.... manis sekali! (?)
(This is a durian. The skin is tough and spiky. The flesh is cream coloured. It tastes really sweet. The smell is strange.... the smell is very sweet!)
Red durian from my home state, Sabah:

Ini durian dari Sabah, Malaysia. Dagingnya berwarna merah. Buanya tidak aneh.
(This durian is from Sabah, Malaysia. The flesh is red. It doesn't have a strange smell.)

Ini anggur. Kulitnya berwarna ungu, merah atau hijau. Rasanya manis.
(These are grapes. The skin can be purple, red or green. It tastes sweet).

Ini manggis. Kulitnya keras dan berwarna ungu. Dagingnya berwana putih. Rasanya manis. Saya suka sekali Manggis!
(These are mangosteens. The skin is touch and purple. The flesh is white. It is sweet. I really like Mangosteens! (Actually, they are my favourite tropical fruit.))

Ini mangga. Kalau matang, kulitnya berwarna kuning dan kalau masih mentah kulitnya berwarna hijau. Dagingnya berwarna kuning atau jingga. Rasanya manis. Keluarga saya suka sekali mangga.
(This is a mango. If it is ripe, the colour is yellow and if it is not yet ripe the colour of the skin is green. The flesh is yellow or orange. The taste is sweet. My family really likes mangoes.)

Ini belimbing. Kulitnya berwarna kuning atau hijau. Rasanya masam dan manis. Bentuknya seperti bintang!
(This is a star fruit. The skin is yellow or green. The taste is sour and sweet. The shape resembles a star... (hence the name "star fruit!"))

Ini semangka. Kulitnya tebal, keras dan berwarna hijau dan putih. Dagingnya berwarna merah. Rasanya manis. Saya tidak suka semangka.
(This is a watermelon. The skin is think, tough and is coloured green and white. The flesh is red. It tastes sweet. I don't like watermelons.)
Describing fruits
Fruit.... parts...
Kulit - skin
Daging - flesh
Rasa - taste
Cream - krem
Light colour - colour + muda. Eg pink is merah (red) muda
Dark colour - colour + tua. Eg dark blue is biru tua
Taste (rasa)
Sweet - manis
Tangy, sour - masam or asam
Delicious - enak
Smell (Bau)
Strange - aneh
Sweet - manis
Other fruit descriptors
Shape - bentuk
Spiky - berduri
Star - bintang
Ripe - matang
Not ripe - mentah
Like/similar to - seperti
Tough/hard - keras
Kulit - skin
Daging - flesh
Rasa - taste
Cream - krem
Light colour - colour + muda. Eg pink is merah (red) muda
Dark colour - colour + tua. Eg dark blue is biru tua
Taste (rasa)
Sweet - manis
Tangy, sour - masam or asam
Delicious - enak
Smell (Bau)
Strange - aneh
Sweet - manis
Other fruit descriptors
Shape - bentuk
Spiky - berduri
Star - bintang
Ripe - matang
Not ripe - mentah
Like/similar to - seperti
Tough/hard - keras
Fruits (Buah-buahan)
Banana - pisang
Pineapple - nanas
Rambutan - rambutan
Durian - durian
Grapes - anggur
Mangosteen - manggis
Mango - mangga
Starfruit - belimbing
Watermelon - semangka
Passionfruit - markisa
Dates - kurma
Custard Apple - sirsak
Orange - jeruk
Avocado - apokad
Kiwi fruit - Buah kiwi
Jackfruit - nangka
Pineapple - nanas
Rambutan - rambutan
Durian - durian
Grapes - anggur
Mangosteen - manggis
Mango - mangga
Starfruit - belimbing
Watermelon - semangka
Passionfruit - markisa
Dates - kurma
Custard Apple - sirsak
Orange - jeruk
Avocado - apokad
Kiwi fruit - Buah kiwi
Jackfruit - nangka
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Is there a difference between "oranye" and "jingga". I have been taught in Malay and Indonesian that 'jingga' is orange - not oranye, yet I am consistently seeing the word "oranye" in an Indonesian Learning Wikibook.
Fortunately enough, Wikibooks can be edited by everyone, so I've changed all the words that I think are wrong (such as oranye) into words I think are right (such as jingga)! This might seem a bit tedious and... well, frankly a bit rude (because the person who wrote this wikibook should know what theyre doing if theyre writing a hand book!) But hey, jingga is right too. :p
Fortunately enough, Wikibooks can be edited by everyone, so I've changed all the words that I think are wrong (such as oranye) into words I think are right (such as jingga)! This might seem a bit tedious and... well, frankly a bit rude (because the person who wrote this wikibook should know what theyre doing if theyre writing a hand book!) But hey, jingga is right too. :p
Flirting in Indonesian - A Language Guide for Butterflies
I found this site, Learning In Indonesian - A Language Guide for Butterflies at a Indonesian Language Learning Portal. I thought it was pretty funny, particularly as I had made a "Dating in Chinese" website for CALL last year. I'm sure it will come in handy... one day... for... someone.
It has some pretty handy phrases, like:
Saya suka kamu untuk teman saja - I only like you as a friend
Saya suka orang lain - I like someone else
Saya sakit hati - I am heart broken
Mau nikah sama saya - Do you want to marry me?
Kamu ganteng - You're handsome
Kamu cantik - You're pretty
Saya suka sifat kamu - I like your character/I like the way you are
and many other... useful things... ;)
It has some pretty handy phrases, like:
Saya suka kamu untuk teman saja - I only like you as a friend
Saya suka orang lain - I like someone else
Saya sakit hati - I am heart broken
Mau nikah sama saya - Do you want to marry me?
Kamu ganteng - You're handsome
Kamu cantik - You're pretty
Saya suka sifat kamu - I like your character/I like the way you are
and many other... useful things... ;)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Glossary for Chapter 9
foto - photo
lihat - see/look at
teman-teman - friends
acara - plans/arrangements
membawa - to bring
berangkat - leave
dulu - first of all
makanan - food
menjaga - to look after
minta ijin - ask permission
sayang sekali - what a pity!
sebentar - just a moment
mengajak - to invite
sebelum - before
pagi-pagi - the morning
nanti sore - later this afternoon
konser - concert
lagi - again
Key sentences to remember!
Mau dong! - I'd love to!
Sebentar, ya - Wait a minute
Aku minta ijin dulu - I will ask permission first.
Boleh. Aku boleh ikut. - I'm allowed to. I can come along.
Maaf, aku nggak bisa - Sorry I can't.
Wah, sayang sekali! - Oh! What a pity!
Aku sudah ada acara - I already have plans
Aku bawa gitar, ya! - I'll bring a guitar.
lihat - see/look at
teman-teman - friends
acara - plans/arrangements
membawa - to bring
berangkat - leave
dulu - first of all
makanan - food
menjaga - to look after
minta ijin - ask permission
sayang sekali - what a pity!
sebentar - just a moment
mengajak - to invite
sebelum - before
pagi-pagi - the morning
nanti sore - later this afternoon
konser - concert
lagi - again
Key sentences to remember!
Mau dong! - I'd love to!
Sebentar, ya - Wait a minute
Aku minta ijin dulu - I will ask permission first.
Boleh. Aku boleh ikut. - I'm allowed to. I can come along.
Maaf, aku nggak bisa - Sorry I can't.
Wah, sayang sekali! - Oh! What a pity!
Aku sudah ada acara - I already have plans
Aku bawa gitar, ya! - I'll bring a guitar.
Dong, Musti/Harus, Yang lalu
Dong is used to emphasise an idea expressed. For example:
Eg: Anda mau bermain bola basket? Ya, mau dong!
In this case, "Ya, mau dong!" means, "Yes, I really want to!"
The difference between Musti and Harus
Musti is used informally. It is only used verbally. Harus is formal, and can be used verbally or in writing.
Yang lalu
Yang lalu is used when talking about something in the past. For example:
Dua tahun yang lalu, umur saya sembilan puluh tahun. (2 years ago, I was 19 yrs old).
Pada pesta yang lalu, saya ketemu Sue. (At the last party, I met Sue).
Dong is used to emphasise an idea expressed. For example:
Eg: Anda mau bermain bola basket? Ya, mau dong!
In this case, "Ya, mau dong!" means, "Yes, I really want to!"
The difference between Musti and Harus
Musti is used informally. It is only used verbally. Harus is formal, and can be used verbally or in writing.
Yang lalu
Yang lalu is used when talking about something in the past. For example:
Dua tahun yang lalu, umur saya sembilan puluh tahun. (2 years ago, I was 19 yrs old).
Pada pesta yang lalu, saya ketemu Sue. (At the last party, I met Sue).
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sudah & Belum
Sudah = already
Saya sudah menonton The Joy Luck Club - I have already watched The Joy Luck Club.
When put in a verb, 'sudah' gives a transition to make it a past tesnse. eg instead of saying i eat apple, using sudah in the sentence will mean that i ate an apple.
For example: Michael sudah makan? would mean, "Michael, have you eaten?"
James sudah ke universitas? would mean, "Has James already gone to University?"
Belum = not yet
Belum can be used on it's own.... eg, "Michael, sudah makan?" can be replied to with, "Belum!" (not yet!)
Belum can also be used as a question tag.
Anda sudah menonton Sin City, belum? You have already seen Sin City, haven't you?
Saya sudah menonton The Joy Luck Club - I have already watched The Joy Luck Club.
When put in a verb, 'sudah' gives a transition to make it a past tesnse. eg instead of saying i eat apple, using sudah in the sentence will mean that i ate an apple.
For example: Michael sudah makan? would mean, "Michael, have you eaten?"
James sudah ke universitas? would mean, "Has James already gone to University?"
Belum = not yet
Belum can be used on it's own.... eg, "Michael, sudah makan?" can be replied to with, "Belum!" (not yet!)
Belum can also be used as a question tag.
Anda sudah menonton Sin City, belum? You have already seen Sin City, haven't you?
Monday, August 15, 2005
Task 1 (Answering machine message assignment)
Halo, ini Angela.
Halo Indah! Apa kabar? Sudah punya acar untuk Hari Selasa? Saya mau ke Greater Union di Innaloo untuk menonton Sin City. Apakah anda sudah menonton Sin City? Hari Selasa, saya menonton Sin City dengan John dan Sarah. Sin City mulai pada jam delapan malam dan selesai pada jam setengah sebelas. Anda mau ikut menonton Sin City dengan kami? Bioskop tiket harga Dolar Lima. Kita makan dulu ke McDonalds sebelum pergi ke bioskop, ya? Jangan lupa menelepon saya untuk konfirmasi! Sampai nanti!
Hi Indah, how are you? Do you already have plans for tuesday? I want to go to Greater Union in Innaloo to watch Sin City. Do you want to watch Sin City? On tuesday, I am watching Sin City with John and Sarah. Sin City starts at 8pm and finishes at 10:30pm. Do you want to watch Sin City with us? The movie ticket costs $5. We'll go to McDonald's before going to the cinemas, ok? Don't forget to RSVP! See you later!
Halo Indah! Apa kabar? Sudah punya acar untuk Hari Selasa? Saya mau ke Greater Union di Innaloo untuk menonton Sin City. Apakah anda sudah menonton Sin City? Hari Selasa, saya menonton Sin City dengan John dan Sarah. Sin City mulai pada jam delapan malam dan selesai pada jam setengah sebelas. Anda mau ikut menonton Sin City dengan kami? Bioskop tiket harga Dolar Lima. Kita makan dulu ke McDonalds sebelum pergi ke bioskop, ya? Jangan lupa menelepon saya untuk konfirmasi! Sampai nanti!
Hi Indah, how are you? Do you already have plans for tuesday? I want to go to Greater Union in Innaloo to watch Sin City. Do you want to watch Sin City? On tuesday, I am watching Sin City with John and Sarah. Sin City starts at 8pm and finishes at 10:30pm. Do you want to watch Sin City with us? The movie ticket costs $5. We'll go to McDonald's before going to the cinemas, ok? Don't forget to RSVP! See you later!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
back to uni
today was my first indonesian lecture for this semester. it went ok, except i couldnt remember how to count. lol i had trouble during the holidays when Christina asked me to describe her in Indonesian.
Fortunately, after much revision during the class, I actually remembered stuff. Bu Indra went over these things about how to be a good language student. I remembered what things read in Indonesian, but not how to say it. This is similar to me learning Chinese. I'm more likely to be able to read a sentence and know what it means than speak a sentence without really thinking about it because you have to think about forming the sentence. The weird thing is that I didn't have that difficulty when I was learning Japanese - which is probably the language I have excelled in learning most other than English over the years.
Fortunately, after much revision during the class, I actually remembered stuff. Bu Indra went over these things about how to be a good language student. I remembered what things read in Indonesian, but not how to say it. This is similar to me learning Chinese. I'm more likely to be able to read a sentence and know what it means than speak a sentence without really thinking about it because you have to think about forming the sentence. The weird thing is that I didn't have that difficulty when I was learning Japanese - which is probably the language I have excelled in learning most other than English over the years.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I just got the results for my journal back. I got 10% (full marks)! The teacher commented,
- "Bagus dan lengkap sekali"
- "I enjoyed reading your online journal as well"
My results:
The experiment was a success. :D
- "Bagus dan lengkap sekali"
- "I enjoyed reading your online journal as well"
My results:
The experiment was a success. :D
Friday, May 27, 2005
How often?
Sering - Often
Biasanya - usually
Kadang-kadang - sometimes
Jarang - rarely
Belum pernah - never (yet)
Kadang-kadang saya nonton video atau pergi ke bioskop - Sometimes I watch videos or go to the movies
Saya sering ke toko - I often go to the shop
Saya jarang main ski - I rarely go skiing
Aku belum pernah main rugby - I've never played rugby
Biasanya - usually
Kadang-kadang - sometimes
Jarang - rarely
Belum pernah - never (yet)
Kadang-kadang saya nonton video atau pergi ke bioskop - Sometimes I watch videos or go to the movies
Saya sering ke toko - I often go to the shop
Saya jarang main ski - I rarely go skiing
Aku belum pernah main rugby - I've never played rugby
Thursday, May 26, 2005
What activity do you want to do?
Gimana kalau kita berenang? - How about we go swimming?
Gimana kalau kita main sepak bola? - How about we play soccer?
Gimana kalau kita main berselancar? - How about we go surfing?
Gimana kalau kita main kriket? - How about we play cricket?
Gimana kalau kita main papan roda? - How about we go skateboarding?
Gimana kalau kita main rugby? - How about we play rugby?
Gimana kalau kita berselancar angin? - How about we go windsurfing?
Gimana kalau kita main bola basket? - How about we play basketball?
Gimana kalau kita main kriket hari ini? - How about we play cricket today?
Nggak mau! Aku lebih suka main papan roda. - I dont want to! I prefer skate boarding.
Gimana kalau kita main sepak bola? - How about we play soccer?
Gimana kalau kita main berselancar? - How about we go surfing?
Gimana kalau kita main kriket? - How about we play cricket?
Gimana kalau kita main papan roda? - How about we go skateboarding?
Gimana kalau kita main rugby? - How about we play rugby?
Gimana kalau kita berselancar angin? - How about we go windsurfing?
Gimana kalau kita main bola basket? - How about we play basketball?
Gimana kalau kita main kriket hari ini? - How about we play cricket today?
Nggak mau! Aku lebih suka main papan roda. - I dont want to! I prefer skate boarding.
Where do you want to go?
Gimana kalau kita ke bioskop? - How about we go to the cinema?
Gimana kalau kita ke kota? - How about we go to the city?
Gimana kalau kita ke rumah John? - How about we go to John's house?
Gimana kalau kita ke plaza? - How about we go to the shopping centre?
Gimana kalau ke lapangan olahraga? - How about we go to the sports field?
Gimana kalau ke restoran fast food? - How about we go to a fast food restaurant?
Aku mau ke plaza - I want to go to the shopping centre
Ron tidak mau ke restoran fast food - Ron doesn't want to go to a fast food restaurant
Dia tidak suka ke kota - S/he doesn't like to go to the city
Lynsey berdua mau ke kota malam ini - Both Lynsey and I want to got to the sini tonight
Gimana kalau kita ke kota? - How about we go to the city?
Gimana kalau kita ke rumah John? - How about we go to John's house?
Gimana kalau kita ke plaza? - How about we go to the shopping centre?
Gimana kalau ke lapangan olahraga? - How about we go to the sports field?
Gimana kalau ke restoran fast food? - How about we go to a fast food restaurant?
Aku mau ke plaza - I want to go to the shopping centre
Ron tidak mau ke restoran fast food - Ron doesn't want to go to a fast food restaurant
Dia tidak suka ke kota - S/he doesn't like to go to the city
Lynsey berdua mau ke kota malam ini - Both Lynsey and I want to got to the sini tonight
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Negotiating transport fares
Transport fares can usually be negotiable - so bargain!
Tukang becak: Selamat pagi. Mau ke mana?
Penumpang: Mau ke sekolah. Berapa ongkosnya?
Tukang becak: Wah! Itu agak jauh! Tujuh ribu rupiah.
Penumpang: Wah! Mahal banget! Bisa kurang sedikit?
Tukang becak: Bisa! Berapa?
Penumpang: RP3.000, boleh tidak?
Tukang becak: Tak bisa! Bisah tambah lagi?
Penumpang: Tiga ribu lima ratus rupiah. Bagaimana, Pak?
Tukang becak: Bisa tambah lagi?
Penumpang: RP4.000, boleh tidak?
Tukang becak: Baiklah! Silahkan naik!
Trishaw driver: Good morning. Where do you want to go?
Passenger: I want to go to school. How much is the fare?
Trishaw driver: Wow! That's rather far! RP7.000
Passenger: Wow! Really expensive! Can go lower?
Trishaw driver: Can! How much?
Passenger: RP3.000, ok or not?
Trishaw driver: Not its not ok! Can go higher?
Passenger: RP3.500. How about that, Mr?
Trishaw driver: Can go a bit higher?
Passenger: RP4.000, ok or not?
Trishaw driver: Ok!
Tukang becak: Selamat pagi. Mau ke mana?
Penumpang: Mau ke sekolah. Berapa ongkosnya?
Tukang becak: Wah! Itu agak jauh! Tujuh ribu rupiah.
Penumpang: Wah! Mahal banget! Bisa kurang sedikit?
Tukang becak: Bisa! Berapa?
Penumpang: RP3.000, boleh tidak?
Tukang becak: Tak bisa! Bisah tambah lagi?
Penumpang: Tiga ribu lima ratus rupiah. Bagaimana, Pak?
Tukang becak: Bisa tambah lagi?
Penumpang: RP4.000, boleh tidak?
Tukang becak: Baiklah! Silahkan naik!
Trishaw driver: Good morning. Where do you want to go?
Passenger: I want to go to school. How much is the fare?
Trishaw driver: Wow! That's rather far! RP7.000
Passenger: Wow! Really expensive! Can go lower?
Trishaw driver: Can! How much?
Passenger: RP3.000, ok or not?
Trishaw driver: Not its not ok! Can go higher?
Passenger: RP3.500. How about that, Mr?
Trishaw driver: Can go a bit higher?
Passenger: RP4.000, ok or not?
Trishaw driver: Ok!
Where are you going?
In Indonesia, apparently people will ask you where you are going all the time. (But not being nosy... just a way of talking).
Some phrases they will use to ask where you're going (and valid answers to those questions) are:
Mau ke mana? - Where are you going?
Answer: - ke sana (over there), ke sini (over here), ke situ (nearby)
Dari mana? - Where did you go?/Where have you been?
Answer: - dari pub (from the pub), dari cafe (from the cafe), dari rumah teman (from a friends house)
Naik apa? - What did you go by?
Answer: naik sepeda (went by bicycle), naik bis (went by bus), naik angkot (went by minivan).
Saya ke kampus naik mobil. (I go to campus by car).
Dengan siapa? - With who?
Answer: dengan teman (with a friend)
Berapa ongkos bis ke kota? - How much is the fare to the city by bus?
Ongkos is fee/fare/price for transport. Harga cannot be used for this context.
Some phrases they will use to ask where you're going (and valid answers to those questions) are:
Mau ke mana? - Where are you going?
Answer: - ke sana (over there), ke sini (over here), ke situ (nearby)
Dari mana? - Where did you go?/Where have you been?
Answer: - dari pub (from the pub), dari cafe (from the cafe), dari rumah teman (from a friends house)
Naik apa? - What did you go by?
Answer: naik sepeda (went by bicycle), naik bis (went by bus), naik angkot (went by minivan).
Saya ke kampus naik mobil. (I go to campus by car).
Dengan siapa? - With who?
Answer: dengan teman (with a friend)
Berapa ongkos bis ke kota? - How much is the fare to the city by bus?
Ongkos is fee/fare/price for transport. Harga cannot be used for this context.
Transportasi di Indonesia (Transport in Indonesia)
Sepeda - bicycle
Sepeda motor - motorbike
Becak - trishaw
Mobil - car
Taksi - taxi
Angkot - mini van type thing
Dokar - horse-drawn cart
Bis - bus
Kereta api - train (kereta meaning car, api meaning fire)
Perahu - canoe
Kapal - boat/ship
Pesawat - aeroplane
Sepeda motor - motorbike
Becak - trishaw
Mobil - car
Taksi - taxi
Angkot - mini van type thing
Dokar - horse-drawn cart
Bis - bus
Kereta api - train (kereta meaning car, api meaning fire)
Perahu - canoe
Kapal - boat/ship
Pesawat - aeroplane
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Indonesia WWW Virtual Library
I found this site while I was surfing on the net about Indonesian. Its a website called "Indonesia WWW Virtual Library" which is hosted by the ANU and the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. Basically it's a bit of a portal where you can find information about culture, history, education, and stuff like that.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Another handy site - this time, it's vocabulary wise - The Indonesian Language - Bali: The Online Travel Guide
Something I thought was funny was a phrase I found under the Shopping section:
Will you please leave me alone?
Sudikah anda membiarkan saya sendiri?
Wow. I've never said that at the shops before to someone...
Something I thought was funny was a phrase I found under the Shopping section:
Will you please leave me alone?
Sudikah anda membiarkan saya sendiri?
Wow. I've never said that at the shops before to someone...
omg... i just did the biggest mistake. those who i've told know i had a really, really bad friday (what with the traffic, job interview (although im not sure if i can even call it that now, that stupid... person), and the $100 fine) but yesterday i just found out the journal isnt due until the 27th May.
i think im getting foot in mouth disease. (haha) i thought the journal was due in friday, and because of that stupid job interview which wasnt an interview at all, i thought i had wasted time with the interviewer and i didnt have enough time to buy file dividers so i borrowed evelyn's post it notes to write "PART A", "PART B", etc and just stuffed all my stuff in a file.
i wonder if i can ask for it back.
i think im getting foot in mouth disease. (haha) i thought the journal was due in friday, and because of that stupid job interview which wasnt an interview at all, i thought i had wasted time with the interviewer and i didnt have enough time to buy file dividers so i borrowed evelyn's post it notes to write "PART A", "PART B", etc and just stuffed all my stuff in a file.
i wonder if i can ask for it back.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Indonesian Quizzes
A whole list of Indonesian quizzes :D
Other OSIS words (Chapter 5)
anggota - member
dalam - in
kami - we (excluding some)
ketua - leader, head
menerbitkan - to publish
pasti kamu suka! - you're sure to like it!
di depan - in front of
ayo - let's go
bicara sama - to talk to/with
bisa nggak? - thats possible, isnt it?
cara - way, method
gimana caranya - how do you do it?
kalau bisa - if possible
masih - still
mau sekali - really want
suka banget - really like (banget is interchangeable with sekali in this context)
nggak apa-apa! - don't worry about it!
pandai - good at
semmingu - per week
sering - often
Aku belum pandai... - I'm not good at ___ yet
Aku sudah pandai... - I'm good at ____
dalam - in
kami - we (excluding some)
ketua - leader, head
menerbitkan - to publish
pasti kamu suka! - you're sure to like it!
di depan - in front of
ayo - let's go
bicara sama - to talk to/with
bisa nggak? - thats possible, isnt it?
cara - way, method
gimana caranya - how do you do it?
kalau bisa - if possible
masih - still
mau sekali - really want
suka banget - really like (banget is interchangeable with sekali in this context)
nggak apa-apa! - don't worry about it!
pandai - good at
semmingu - per week
sering - often
Aku belum pandai... - I'm not good at ___ yet
Aku sudah pandai... - I'm good at ____
Where and when are we meeting?
Kumpul - to meet
Kumpulnya - it meets
Sekali - once
Dua kali - twice
Tiga kali - thrice
Kapan - when
It meets where? When? - Kumpulnya di mana? Kapan?
Room - ruang
Court/Field/Oval, etc - lapangan (eg lapangan tenis = tennis court. lapangan sepak bola = soccer pitch)
Kapan? Hari Selesa dan hari Rabu. Jam delapan pagi.
Di mana? Ruang Bahasa Inggris
Person A: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul berapa kali seminggu? (How many times does the English club meet per week)
Person B: Klub ini kumpul dua kali seminggu
Person A: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul hari apa saja?
Person B: Hari Selesa dan Rabu
Person A: Hari Selesa Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul pada jam berapa?
Person B: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul pada jam delapan pagi
Person A: Kumpulnya di mana?
Person B: Di ruang Bahasa Inggris
Kumpulnya - it meets
Sekali - once
Dua kali - twice
Tiga kali - thrice
Kapan - when
It meets where? When? - Kumpulnya di mana? Kapan?
Room - ruang
Court/Field/Oval, etc - lapangan (eg lapangan tenis = tennis court. lapangan sepak bola = soccer pitch)
Kapan? Hari Selesa dan hari Rabu. Jam delapan pagi.
Di mana? Ruang Bahasa Inggris
Person A: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul berapa kali seminggu? (How many times does the English club meet per week)
Person B: Klub ini kumpul dua kali seminggu
Person A: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul hari apa saja?
Person B: Hari Selesa dan Rabu
Person A: Hari Selesa Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul pada jam berapa?
Person B: Klub Bahasa Inggris kumpul pada jam delapan pagi
Person A: Kumpulnya di mana?
Person B: Di ruang Bahasa Inggris
OSIS: Organisasi Siswa Intrasekolah (student council)
Klub (clubs)
Pencinta Alam - Nature lovers (as in people who like nature/the environment...)
Pramuka - scouts/brownies
Bahasa Inggris - English
Palang Merah Remaja - Teenage Red Cross
Drum Band - Drum band
Redaksi Sekolah - School magazine committee
Sepak bola - soccer
Musik - music
bernyani - singing
bermain alat musik - play different musical instruments
kemping - camping
menulis artikel - writing articles
memotret - photography
berlatih PPK/P3K - practising first aid
mendaki gunung - mountain climbing
ngobrol dalam Bahasa Inggris - speaking English
baris-berbaris - marching
bermain sepak bola - playing soccer
berlatih sepak bola - practising soccer
Q: Anda mau ikut klub apa? (What club do you want to join?)
A: Saya suka kemping dan mendaki gunung. (I like camping and mountain climbing)
Q: Kalau begitu, ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (If that's the case, join the Nature Lovers club)
A: Baiklah! Saya ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (Ok! I will join the Nature Lovers club)
Klub (clubs)
Pencinta Alam - Nature lovers (as in people who like nature/the environment...)
Pramuka - scouts/brownies
Bahasa Inggris - English
Palang Merah Remaja - Teenage Red Cross
Drum Band - Drum band
Redaksi Sekolah - School magazine committee
Sepak bola - soccer
Musik - music
bernyani - singing
bermain alat musik - play different musical instruments
kemping - camping
menulis artikel - writing articles
memotret - photography
berlatih PPK/P3K - practising first aid
mendaki gunung - mountain climbing
ngobrol dalam Bahasa Inggris - speaking English
baris-berbaris - marching
bermain sepak bola - playing soccer
berlatih sepak bola - practising soccer
Q: Anda mau ikut klub apa? (What club do you want to join?)
A: Saya suka kemping dan mendaki gunung. (I like camping and mountain climbing)
Q: Kalau begitu, ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (If that's the case, join the Nature Lovers club)
A: Baiklah! Saya ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (Ok! I will join the Nature Lovers club)
Other chapter 4 words
There is/there are - ada
Anak-anak - children (handy note: to make a plural, just say it twice!)
apa lagi? - anything else?
baiklah! - OK!
banyak - a lot. eg terima kasih banayak - thanks a lot
beli - to buy. (membeli used in formal situations)
berapa harganya? - how much is it? (harganya = the cost)
harganya pas - fixed price
buat apa? - what for?
diskon - discount
gratis - free
hampir - almost
itu aja - that's all. (aja is informal, saja is formal)
jadi - so, therefore
juga - also, too
kalau - if
kalau begitu - if that's the case
kenapa - why/how?
macam - type
murah - cheap
obral - sale!
pergi - go. (eg saya pergi ke kantin - i went to the canteen)
sama - and/with
semuanya - all together (eg harganya semuanya? = whats the total price?)
sesudah - after
tutup - shut
uang - money
uang kembali - money (change)
alat - equipment. stationery = alat-alat sekolah
Anak-anak - children (handy note: to make a plural, just say it twice!)
apa lagi? - anything else?
baiklah! - OK!
banyak - a lot. eg terima kasih banayak - thanks a lot
beli - to buy. (membeli used in formal situations)
berapa harganya? - how much is it? (harganya = the cost)
harganya pas - fixed price
buat apa? - what for?
diskon - discount
gratis - free
hampir - almost
itu aja - that's all. (aja is informal, saja is formal)
jadi - so, therefore
juga - also, too
kalau - if
kalau begitu - if that's the case
kenapa - why/how?
macam - type
murah - cheap
obral - sale!
pergi - go. (eg saya pergi ke kantin - i went to the canteen)
sama - and/with
semuanya - all together (eg harganya semuanya? = whats the total price?)
sesudah - after
tutup - shut
uang - money
uang kembali - money (change)
alat - equipment. stationery = alat-alat sekolah
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hilighter - stabilo (as in the brand. how cute)
Ruler - penggaris
Coloured pencils - pensil berwarna
Glue - lem
Pen - pena
Scissors - gunting
Note book - buku tulis
Folder - map (hmm. i wonder what a road map is in indo...)
Pencil - pensil
Eraser - penghapus
Texta - spidol
Calculator - kalkulator
Description - Mau yang mana? - Which one do you want?
Q: Yang merah atau yang biru? (atau = or)
A: Yang biru/merah (The blue/red one)
Q: Yang tebal atau yang tipis?
A: Yang tebal/tipis (the thick/thin one)
Q: Yang kecil atau yang besar?
A: Yang kecil/besar (the small/big one)
Hilighter - stabilo (as in the brand. how cute)
Ruler - penggaris
Coloured pencils - pensil berwarna
Glue - lem
Pen - pena
Scissors - gunting
Note book - buku tulis
Folder - map (hmm. i wonder what a road map is in indo...)
Pencil - pensil
Eraser - penghapus
Texta - spidol
Calculator - kalkulator
Description - Mau yang mana? - Which one do you want?
Q: Yang merah atau yang biru? (atau = or)
A: Yang biru/merah (The blue/red one)
Q: Yang tebal atau yang tipis?
A: Yang tebal/tipis (the thick/thin one)
Q: Yang kecil atau yang besar?
A: Yang kecil/besar (the small/big one)
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Indonesian syntax (Object Focus Contruction)
Indonesian Grammar
This page introduces you to a very important verb structure in Indonesian, the OBJECT-FOCUS structure. This may also be referred to as the passive voice structure.
The most basic Active Voice sentence takes the pattern:
Subject + Verb + Object
SUBJECT = the actor or doer in the sentence
VERB = the "doing" word; a word for actions or processes.
OBJECT= the person or thing that is acted upon or has the action done to it.
An active voice sentence is readily identified because the verb will take a "me"-type prefix ("me", "mem", "men" or "meng").
Taken from
The site is currently under construction and it looks promising. Go to the site for an exercise and turn up the speakers for a soothing MIDI
This page introduces you to a very important verb structure in Indonesian, the OBJECT-FOCUS structure. This may also be referred to as the passive voice structure.
The most basic Active Voice sentence takes the pattern:
Subject + Verb + Object
SUBJECT = the actor or doer in the sentence
VERB = the "doing" word; a word for actions or processes.
OBJECT= the person or thing that is acted upon or has the action done to it.
An active voice sentence is readily identified because the verb will take a "me"-type prefix ("me", "mem", "men" or "meng").
Taken from
The site is currently under construction and it looks promising. Go to the site for an exercise and turn up the speakers for a soothing MIDI
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Indo Vocab Quizzes
I'm not really sure how to show me doing the quizzes on here... I'll probably figure that out during the holidays. (haha). but this is where you can do quizzes on stuff like colours and numbers.
I'm not really sure how to show me doing the quizzes on here... I'll probably figure that out during the holidays. (haha). but this is where you can do quizzes on stuff like colours and numbers.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I thought I'd break up all this learning with some rambling.
1) It had been a while since I had seen my friend SB online. (also known as S__ Besar. ;)) I was telling her that I had just begun to learn Indonesian at uni. She said that her Indonesian was terrible now because they don't use it at home. (tsk tsk tsk!) Anyway, I was telling her all the Indonesian I had learnt and she was impressed. Or she was just saying that it was. Anyway I told her that the teacher had said people who want to practice their Indonesian with the Indonesian National Soccer Team could sign up. My friend said that was really cool and that I should sign up. I said I wouldn't, even though I love my soccer, cos I wouldn't be able to say anything apart from, "Kenalkan, nama saya Angela" and "Saya orang Malaysia. Saya berasal dari Perth". I'm not going to understand what they're saying! But if there's a cute soccer player maybe I'll ask, "Mampir ke rumah, yuk? ;)"
2) CHL asked once if I'm related to the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhono because a lot of the time I reply back to her, "I dunno". This time I replied to her, "Huh?" and she said, "E (her classmate) told C that the new President is Yudhono. Get it? Yudhono - I dunno." Oh. har di har har har. Very funny dear.
3) During WYD 2002, CP (Polish) and JI (Indonesian) were arguing about the Polish and Indonesian flags. CP kept arguing that Indonesia had stolen the Polish flag and just turned it upside down. Hmm...
4) To JI: "You're a terrorist! Get it? Jamah Islamiah (spell?) = JI and those are your initials!" *groans*
1) It had been a while since I had seen my friend SB online. (also known as S__ Besar. ;)) I was telling her that I had just begun to learn Indonesian at uni. She said that her Indonesian was terrible now because they don't use it at home. (tsk tsk tsk!) Anyway, I was telling her all the Indonesian I had learnt and she was impressed. Or she was just saying that it was. Anyway I told her that the teacher had said people who want to practice their Indonesian with the Indonesian National Soccer Team could sign up. My friend said that was really cool and that I should sign up. I said I wouldn't, even though I love my soccer, cos I wouldn't be able to say anything apart from, "Kenalkan, nama saya Angela" and "Saya orang Malaysia. Saya berasal dari Perth". I'm not going to understand what they're saying! But if there's a cute soccer player maybe I'll ask, "Mampir ke rumah, yuk? ;)"
2) CHL asked once if I'm related to the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhono because a lot of the time I reply back to her, "I dunno". This time I replied to her, "Huh?" and she said, "E (her classmate) told C that the new President is Yudhono. Get it? Yudhono - I dunno." Oh. har di har har har. Very funny dear.
3) During WYD 2002, CP (Polish) and JI (Indonesian) were arguing about the Polish and Indonesian flags. CP kept arguing that Indonesia had stolen the Polish flag and just turned it upside down. Hmm...
4) To JI: "You're a terrorist! Get it? Jamah Islamiah (spell?) = JI and those are your initials!" *groans*
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Indonesian syntax (word order)
The basic word order of Indonesian is very similar to English, for example:
Saya perlu taksi. = I need (a) taxi.
Saya datang kemarin. = I arrived yesterday.
There is one basic difference with Indonesian sentence structure. In Indonesian, the most important noun or subject is normally placed at the first of the sentence. If the subject of the sentence is also the object of the verb, then it is placed first and the passive form verb will often be used, ( a verb becomes passive when preceeded with "di-"). For example:
Buku itu ditaruh di sana. = Put the book over there.
(lit: book-that-put-at-there)
Bapak mau ke mana? = Where is father going?
(lit: father-want-to-where?)
Saya mau ayam goreng Kentucky. = I want Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(lit: I-want-chicken-fried-Kentucky)
(You will see Colonel Sanders in Indonesia. His restaurant name provides a memorable grammar lesson.)
Additionally, the subject within a sentence is often implied and not verbally communicated. For instance:
Mau pergi? = Do you want to go?
(lit: want-go)
Ada kamar? = Do you have any rooms?
(lit: have-room)
Boleh lihat? = May I see?
(lit: may-see?)
Taken from ISABU
Saya perlu taksi. = I need (a) taxi.
Saya datang kemarin. = I arrived yesterday.
There is one basic difference with Indonesian sentence structure. In Indonesian, the most important noun or subject is normally placed at the first of the sentence. If the subject of the sentence is also the object of the verb, then it is placed first and the passive form verb will often be used, ( a verb becomes passive when preceeded with "di-"). For example:
Buku itu ditaruh di sana. = Put the book over there.
(lit: book-that-put-at-there)
Bapak mau ke mana? = Where is father going?
(lit: father-want-to-where?)
Saya mau ayam goreng Kentucky. = I want Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(lit: I-want-chicken-fried-Kentucky)
(You will see Colonel Sanders in Indonesia. His restaurant name provides a memorable grammar lesson.)
Additionally, the subject within a sentence is often implied and not verbally communicated. For instance:
Mau pergi? = Do you want to go?
(lit: want-go)
Ada kamar? = Do you have any rooms?
(lit: have-room)
Boleh lihat? = May I see?
(lit: may-see?)
Taken from ISABU
Friday, April 29, 2005
Counting 100's and 1000's
RATUSAN - 100's
Seratus - 100
Dua ratus - 200
Tiga ratus - 300
Empat ratus - 400
Empat ratus dua puluh lima - 425
RIBUAN - 1000's
Seribu - 1.000
Dua ribu - 2.000
Tiga ribu - 3.000
Empat ribu - 4.000
Lima puluh ribu - 50.000
Lima puluh ribu lima ratus - 50.500
(NB: the decimal point means thousands)
Seratus - 100
Dua ratus - 200
Tiga ratus - 300
Empat ratus - 400
Empat ratus dua puluh lima - 425
RIBUAN - 1000's
Seribu - 1.000
Dua ribu - 2.000
Tiga ribu - 3.000
Empat ribu - 4.000
Lima puluh ribu - 50.000
Lima puluh ribu lima ratus - 50.500
(NB: the decimal point means thousands)
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Other words to do with subjects/langkah 3
Nih - is like an exclamation mark. eg Kita terlambat, nih! (Kita = we, terlambat = late)
Kan - means right, isn't it?, aren't they? etc. eg, Hari ini Hari Jumat, kan?
Kalian - used to address more than one person if they are of a similar age or younger than you, or people you know very well.
Nggak - means or not, no? eg Anda suka Senin Rupa, nggak? (Do you like Art or not?)
Sudah - Already. eg Saya sudah belajar Sejarah. (I have already studied History)
Belum - Not/not yet. eg Aku belum belajar Ilmu Fisika. (I haven't studied Chemistry yet).
Ayo - Let's go
Buat - For
Jadi - So/Therefore
Kamu ngaco! - You don't know what you're talking about!
Kantin - canteen
Kenapa aku lupa? - How could I forget? (lupa = forget)
Lapar - hungry
Latihan - practice. Latihannya - The practice.
Pikir - to think
Berlatih - to train/practise
Istirahat - break/recess
lebih suka - prefer
bel - bell
Beres! - That's settled!
Bicarakan - to talk
di telpon - On the phone
Kenal - know (someone)
lancar - fluent
masuk - to go in
musti - must/have to
Sampai nanti - Until later!
Senang - happy
Siapa bilang? - Who says?
Tapi - but
Kan - means right, isn't it?, aren't they? etc. eg, Hari ini Hari Jumat, kan?
Kalian - used to address more than one person if they are of a similar age or younger than you, or people you know very well.
Nggak - means or not, no? eg Anda suka Senin Rupa, nggak? (Do you like Art or not?)
Sudah - Already. eg Saya sudah belajar Sejarah. (I have already studied History)
Belum - Not/not yet. eg Aku belum belajar Ilmu Fisika. (I haven't studied Chemistry yet).
Ayo - Let's go
Buat - For
Jadi - So/Therefore
Kamu ngaco! - You don't know what you're talking about!
Kantin - canteen
Kenapa aku lupa? - How could I forget? (lupa = forget)
Lapar - hungry
Latihan - practice. Latihannya - The practice.
Pikir - to think
Berlatih - to train/practise
Istirahat - break/recess
lebih suka - prefer
bel - bell
Beres! - That's settled!
Bicarakan - to talk
di telpon - On the phone
Kenal - know (someone)
lancar - fluent
masuk - to go in
musti - must/have to
Sampai nanti - Until later!
Senang - happy
Siapa bilang? - Who says?
Tapi - but
Subjects continued...
Gimana dengan pelajarn itu? (What do you think of that subject?)
Fun - menyenangkan
Interesting - menarik
Very interesting - menarik sekali
Easy - mudah
Boring - membosankan
Difficult - sulit
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ohlaraga?
A: Ohlaraga menyanangkan
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ilmu Fisika?
A: Ilmu Fisika membosankan
Aku suka pelajaran? (Aku is the informal word for I)
Suka sekali - really like
sekali - like
tidak suka - don't like
benci - strongly dislike
1) Aku suka sekali komputer. Pelajaran itu menyenangkan dan mudah.
2) Saya sekali Bahasa Inggris. Pelajaran itu menarik.
3) Aku tidak suka matematika. Pelajaran itu membosankan.
4) Saya benci Strategic Marketing. Pelajaran itu membosankan dan sulit.
Fun - menyenangkan
Interesting - menarik
Very interesting - menarik sekali
Easy - mudah
Boring - membosankan
Difficult - sulit
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ohlaraga?
A: Ohlaraga menyanangkan
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ilmu Fisika?
A: Ilmu Fisika membosankan
Aku suka pelajaran? (Aku is the informal word for I)
Suka sekali - really like
sekali - like
tidak suka - don't like
benci - strongly dislike
1) Aku suka sekali komputer. Pelajaran itu menyenangkan dan mudah.
2) Saya sekali Bahasa Inggris. Pelajaran itu menarik.
3) Aku tidak suka matematika. Pelajaran itu membosankan.
4) Saya benci Strategic Marketing. Pelajaran itu membosankan dan sulit.
Jadwal Pelajaran (Timetable)

Q: Hari apa ada pelajaran Indonesian Lab? (Hari apa = what day, ada = there)
A: Hari Selasa
Q: Jam berapa pelajaran Indonesian Lab mulai? (mulai = start)
A: Jam dua belas
Q: Dan jam berapa pelajaran itu selasai? (selasai = finish)
A: Jam satu
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar apa saja? (What are all the subjects you have on Thursday? (apa saja = all the subject))
A: Aku belajar Marketing Communications dan Business Policy.
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar Marketing Communications jam berapa?
A: Pelajaran Marketing Communications mulai jam setengah tiga dan selasai jam jam empat.

Q: Hari apa ada pelajaran Indonesian Lab? (Hari apa = what day, ada = there)
A: Hari Selasa
Q: Jam berapa pelajaran Indonesian Lab mulai? (mulai = start)
A: Jam dua belas
Q: Dan jam berapa pelajaran itu selasai? (selasai = finish)
A: Jam satu
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar apa saja? (What are all the subjects you have on Thursday? (apa saja = all the subject))
A: Aku belajar Marketing Communications dan Business Policy.
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar Marketing Communications jam berapa?
A: Pelajaran Marketing Communications mulai jam setengah tiga dan selasai jam jam empat.
School subjects
Languages & Arts
English - Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
Music - Musik
Art - Senin Rupa
Phys Ed.
Sport - Ohlaraga
Physical Education - Pendidikan Jasmani
Social Studies Subjects
History - Sejarah
Geography - Geografi
Indonesian Civics - Pendidikan Pancasila
Social Studies - Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
Physics - Ilmu Fisika
Biology - Ilmu Biologi
Chemistry - Ilmu Kimia
Maths - Matematika
Computing - Komputer
Religion - Agama
English - Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
Music - Musik
Art - Senin Rupa
Phys Ed.
Sport - Ohlaraga
Physical Education - Pendidikan Jasmani
Social Studies Subjects
History - Sejarah
Geography - Geografi
Indonesian Civics - Pendidikan Pancasila
Social Studies - Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
Physics - Ilmu Fisika
Biology - Ilmu Biologi
Chemistry - Ilmu Kimia
Maths - Matematika
Computing - Komputer
Religion - Agama
JAM BERAPA? (whats the time?)
2:00 - Jam dua
2:05 - Jam dua lewat lima
2:15 - Jam dua lewat seperempat
2:30 - Jam setengah tiga
2:45 - Jam tiga kurang seperempat
2: 50 - Jam tiga kurang sepuluh
3:00 - Jam tiga
3:30 - Jam setengah empat
Think of lewat as an addition... like 2 o'clock plus 5 minutes. (i.e., 2:05)
Think of kurang as a subtraction... like 3 o'clock minus 15 minutes . (i.e., 2:45)
Seperempat means 15 minutes. eg 2 o'clock plus 15 minutes - jam dua lewat seperempat (ie, 2:15)
Setengah means 30 minutes. If its 4:30, it must be Jam SETENGAH LIMA, which means half an hr before 5.
2:00 - Jam dua
2:05 - Jam dua lewat lima
2:15 - Jam dua lewat seperempat
2:30 - Jam setengah tiga
2:45 - Jam tiga kurang seperempat
2: 50 - Jam tiga kurang sepuluh
3:00 - Jam tiga
3:30 - Jam setengah empat
Think of lewat as an addition... like 2 o'clock plus 5 minutes. (i.e., 2:05)
Think of kurang as a subtraction... like 3 o'clock minus 15 minutes . (i.e., 2:45)
Seperempat means 15 minutes. eg 2 o'clock plus 15 minutes - jam dua lewat seperempat (ie, 2:15)
Setengah means 30 minutes. If its 4:30, it must be Jam SETENGAH LIMA, which means half an hr before 5.
The Days of our Lives
Monday - hari Senin
Tuesday - hari Selasa
Wednesday - hari Rabu
Thursday - hari Kamis
Friday - hari Jumat
Saturday - hari Sabtu
Sunday - hari Minggu
Hari - Day.
(N.B.: senin, selasa, etc can be put in lower case except for Hari Minggu, because minggu means week.)
The day before yesterday - kemarin dulu
Yesterday - kermarin
Today - hari ini
Tomorrow - besok
The day after tomorrow - lusa (or besok lusa)
Q: Hari ini hari apa, ya? (What's the day today?)
A: Hari ini hari Kamis! (Today is Thursday!)
Tuesday - hari Selasa
Wednesday - hari Rabu
Thursday - hari Kamis
Friday - hari Jumat
Saturday - hari Sabtu
Sunday - hari Minggu
Hari - Day.
(N.B.: senin, selasa, etc can be put in lower case except for Hari Minggu, because minggu means week.)
The day before yesterday - kemarin dulu
Yesterday - kermarin
Today - hari ini
Tomorrow - besok
The day after tomorrow - lusa (or besok lusa)
Q: Hari ini hari apa, ya? (What's the day today?)
A: Hari ini hari Kamis! (Today is Thursday!)
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Keluarga Saya (my family)
Ini keluarga saya. Agnes ibu saya. Umurnya lima puluh enam tahun. Warna rambutnya hitam, pendek dan keriting. Dia sedang mencuci piring. Dia suka joget. James bapak saya. Bapakku meninggal tahun 1998. Kakak laki-laki saya, Michael, sedang komputer. Umurnya dua puluh tiga tahun. Nama saya Angela. Saya sedang mendengarkan musik.
Mencuci piring = washing plates
Joget = dancing
'bapakku meninggal tahun 1998' = my father died in 1998
Mencuci piring = washing plates
Joget = dancing
'bapakku meninggal tahun 1998' = my father died in 1998
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Desbribing a person
Pendiam - quiet
Humoris - humourous
Ramah - friendly
Baik hati - nice
Pemalu - shy
What's their personality like? - Bagaimana sifatnya? (sifat = personality)
They are nice and friendly - Sifatnya baik hati dan ramah
I am shy - Sifat saya pemalu
Hair and eye colour
Colour - warna
Black - hitam
Red - merah
Pink - merah muda
Green - hijau
Blue - biru
Purple - ungu
Orange - jingga
White - putih
Blonde - pirang
Brown - coklat
Grey - abu-abu
What colour is...? - Apa warna .....?
Eyes - mata
Hair - rambut
Short (hair) - pendek
Long (hair) -
Curly (hair) - keriting
What colour is her eyes? - Apa warna mata anda?
Her eye colour is blue - Matanya biru
What colour is his hair? - Apa warna rambut anda?
His hair colour is brown and straight - Rambutnya coklat dan pendek
Pendiam - quiet
Humoris - humourous
Ramah - friendly
Baik hati - nice
Pemalu - shy
What's their personality like? - Bagaimana sifatnya? (sifat = personality)
They are nice and friendly - Sifatnya baik hati dan ramah
I am shy - Sifat saya pemalu
Hair and eye colour
Colour - warna
Black - hitam
Red - merah
Pink - merah muda
Green - hijau
Blue - biru
Purple - ungu
Orange - jingga
White - putih
Blonde - pirang
Brown - coklat
Grey - abu-abu
What colour is...? - Apa warna .....?
Eyes - mata
Hair - rambut
Short (hair) - pendek
Long (hair) -
Curly (hair) - keriting
What colour is her eyes? - Apa warna mata anda?
Her eye colour is blue - Matanya biru
What colour is his hair? - Apa warna rambut anda?
His hair colour is brown and straight - Rambutnya coklat dan pendek
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