Monday, August 29, 2005

Fruits (Buah-buahan)

Banana - pisang
Pineapple - nanas
Rambutan - rambutan
Durian - durian
Grapes - anggur
Mangosteen - manggis
Mango - mangga
Starfruit - belimbing
Watermelon - semangka
Passionfruit - markisa
Dates - kurma
Custard Apple - sirsak
Orange - jeruk
Avocado - apokad
Kiwi fruit - Buah kiwi
Jackfruit - nangka

1 comment:

luwitolundi said...

a little correction:

passionfruit: it's also spelled marquisa.

date: i think the correct word is korma.

i always thought sirsak is soursop?

avocado: the correct word is "alpukat," apokad is an mistranslation from dutch.

despite all that i said, no one would get confused if we use those words you listed.