Monday, October 17, 2005

Environmental verbs and adjectives

bersih - clean
cemar - polluted
kotor - dirty
berlumpur - muddy

membuang - to throw
memelihara - to take care of
mencemari - to contaminate
dirusak - to be destroyed
menanam - to plant
memelihara lingkungan - to look after/take care of the environment
membuang sampah - to throw rubbish
mencemari lingkungan - to pollute the environment
melindungi sungai - to protect the river
melingungi udara - to protect the air (udara = air)
melindungi hutan - to protect the forest
mati - die (for animals)
meninggal - die (for people)

pelestarian - conservation
Sembarangan - just anywhere

Describing the environment

Matahari - sun
Langit - sky
Awan - cloud
Puncak gunung - peak of a mountain
Gunung - mountain
Gunung api - volcano
sawah - rice fields
pohon - tree
hutan - forest/jungle
pantai - beach
kali - creek
sungai - river
laut - ocean
pasir - sand
bunga - flower

binatang - animal
serangga - insect
kupu-kupu - butterfly
orang utan - orangutan
badak - rhino
harimau - tiger

khatulistiwa - equator

To be over come by ___ (ke-an)

Basically you attach ke to the front of a noun, and an to the end of the noun to mean that you affected or over come by that noun.

For example:

kelaparan: lapar means hunger/hungry. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected by hunger.

kepanasan: panas means hot. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the heat.

kesorean: sore is afternoon. so by attaching ke-an to it, it means to be affected or overcome by the afternoon.

Describing the weather

Bagaimana cuaca hari ini? (What is the weather like today?)

Cuaca di Perth hari ini cerah. - The weather in Perth is bright/clear. (cuaca = weather, cerah = bright/clear)

Suhu di Perth hari ini 28 derajat Celsius - the temperature in Perth is 28 degrees Celsius. (Suhu - temperature, derajat - degrees)

Suhu akan mencapai 28 derajat Celsius. - The temperature will reach 28 degrees Celsius. (akan = will, mencapai = to reach).

Sunday, October 16, 2005 teaches you words (and sometimes phrases) related to topics that would be handy for people wanting to learn some basics of Indonesian (and other languages). Topics covered are basic words, numbers, shopping, dining, travel, directions, and time and dates. If you click on a word, you can hear how it sounds like (and therefore practice how to say words listed properly). There are also quizzes that you can do to test yourself on topics.


Seasons in Indonesia (Musim di Indonesia)
Musim hujan - rainy season: december to march. hot and humid, rains daily.
Musim kemarau - dry season: april to november. hot and humid. usually not rainy and the air at night is colder.

Seasons in Australia (Musim di Australia)
Musim panas - summer
Musim gugur - autumn
Musim dingin - winter
Musim semi - spring

Weather words (Ch 2)

Cuaca - weather
Derajat - degrees
Celsius - celsius
Suhu - temperature
Udara - air
prakiraan cuaca - weather forecast
hawa - climate

hujan - rain
lembab - humid
sejuk - cold
salju - snow
angin - wind
angin kencang - strong wind
angin ribut - storm
cerah - bright/clear
hujan turun - rain falling
mendung - cloudy
banjir - flood

mencapai - to reach

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 is a website where you can learn basics of different languages. Basically it's a search engine type thing. For example you type "Indonesian" in and search for it, and it has links to some educational resources to do with that language, such as books or language websites.