Monday, October 17, 2005

Environmental verbs and adjectives

bersih - clean
cemar - polluted
kotor - dirty
berlumpur - muddy

membuang - to throw
memelihara - to take care of
mencemari - to contaminate
dirusak - to be destroyed
menanam - to plant
memelihara lingkungan - to look after/take care of the environment
membuang sampah - to throw rubbish
mencemari lingkungan - to pollute the environment
melindungi sungai - to protect the river
melingungi udara - to protect the air (udara = air)
melindungi hutan - to protect the forest
mati - die (for animals)
meninggal - die (for people)

pelestarian - conservation
Sembarangan - just anywhere

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