Monday, September 19, 2005

NSW HSC Online

The home page for the Indonesian NSW HSC Online is interesting, although it's not as good as the other sites such as in terms of interactivity and learning, it is still handy as there are activities to do such as listening exercises where you have to answer a question after you listen to the audio clip, and you can look at the sample answers just to check if youre right.

Other words...

Australia Terbuka - Australian Open
ketika - when
kejuaraan - championship
lahir - born
menempati - held/occupied
pelatih - coach
peringkat - level/ranking
pertandingan - competition
petenis - tennis player
bersantai - to relax
pada akhir minggu - at the weekend
taman hiburan - entertainment park
cabang - type
jumlah - total
medali - medals
negara - country
pesta olahraga asia tenggara - south east asia games
perunggu - bronze
terdiri dari - consists of
berbeda - different
maskot - mascot
mendapatkan - receive/get
iuran - fee
jangan khwatir - dont worry
melakukan - to do
waktu luang - free time
juara - champion
lulus - passed
meraih - achieved
pindah - moved
remaja - teenager/youth
sejak - since
berikutnya - following
beruntung - lucky
perusahaan rekaman - recording industry
acara - program
disiarkan - to be broadcasted
dunia - world
membantu - to help
memberikan - to give something
membintangi - to star in
motivasi - motivation
peran - role
sutradara - director (of a film or play)

Sheila on 7


Sheila on 7 (also known as SO7) is a popular rock band in Indonesia. Many teenagers like their music. This band comes from Yogyakarta in Java. All of the band members study in this city. The name of SO7's band members are Duta (vocal), Eross (guitar), Adam (bass), and Anton (drums). This band is very lucky because SONY music (recording company) is their music label.

Yuni Shara


Yuni Shara is the most well known singer in Indonesia. Yuni is 25 yrs old. She was born in Malang in Java. In lower school Yuni liked singing. Before she completed lower school, Yuni's family moved to Jakarta. When she was in High School, Yuni and her little sister, Yanti, joined the Radio Star Fesstival in 1987. Yuni achieved 2nd place. In the following two years, Yuni was number 1. Currently, Yanti is an Indonesian soap star in Indonesia and Yuni is a singer.

Wynne Prakusya

Translation from the book:

Nama lengkap (Full name): Wynne Adiatia Prakusya
Tanggal lahir (DOB): 26 April 1981
Tempat lahir (Born where): Solo, Java
Alamat (residence?): Jakarta

Wynne is 20 yrs old (although now I suppose she is 24 yrs old!). Wynne was born in the city of Solo in the island of Java. She is the best known tennis player in Indonesia. She practices tennis every day.

Wynne started playing tennis when she was 10 yrs old. She is very clever at this sport and practices every day with her coach. 2 years ago, Wynne competed in the French Open Junior Tournament. In 1995 she held the number 19 ranking in the tennis juniors.

Wynne competed in many tournaments in Indonesia, England, Canada, France, USA, NZ and Australia. In 2001 she held the number 89 ranking in the world. In 2002 she played in the Australian Open.


By adding "-kah" to a word it is making the word into a question mark... cept it is used as an addition to the first word of the question, not the last word of a question.


Lucukah ibumu? - is your mum funny?
Cantikkah pacarmu? - is your girlfriend beautiful? (lets hope the answer to that is yes for his/her sake!)
Inginkah anda ke bioskop nonton Wedding Crashers? - would you like to go to the cinemas to watch wedding crashers?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Belum - not yet
Boleh - may
Ingin - wish
Mau - want
Sudah - already
Akan - will
Dapat - can/able to
Harus - must
Bisa - can

Other words
Tadi malam - last night
Tadi - a little while before
Nanti - a little while later
Nanti malam - later tonight

Bermain = Pemain = Player

Just as a recap, when you are using "Ber" (or "me") in some cases, it means you are transforming a word into a verb. For example, latihan means practice, but berlatih means to practice. To get the noun (ie, the person who is doing the verb), you take off the "ber" and add "pe". In this case, it would make "Pelatih". And Pelatih means the coach or trainer.

Below is an example of how the verb can be transformed into the 'player'.

How many times a week do you do ___?

How many times a week do you do ____? (Berapa kali seminggu anda _____?)

For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda membaca koran? (koran = newspaper)
Saya membaca koran empat kali seminggu (I read the newspaper 4 times a week)

Other answers to 'berapa kali seminggu anda ___?' other than stating how many times a week one does that activity includes:
tidak pernah - never
tidak setiap minggu - not every week
tidak setiap hari - not every day
setiap hari - every day

For example:
Berapa kali seminggu anda berenang di kolam renang? (How many times a week do you swim per week at the swimming pool?)
Saya tidak pernah berenang di kolam renang (I never swim at the swimming pool)

Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain bola basket?
Saya tidak setiap minggu bermain bola basket. (I don't swim at the swimming pool every week)

Berapa kali seminggu anda bermain piano?
Saya tidak setiap hari bermain piano. (I don't play the piano every day)

Berapa kali seminggu anda mendengarkan musik?
Saya setiap hari mendengarkan musik. (I listen to music every day)

This is also an alternative answer:
Berapa kali seminggu adik anda berlari? (How many times a week does your little sibling jog/run?)
Adik saya belari pada akhir minggu. (My little sibling jogs/runs on the weekends)

Chapter 1: Sports and entertainment (Olahraga dan hiburan)

Hobbies (hobi)
berbelanja - shopping
bermalas-malas - lazing around
bersepatu roda - rollerskating
memancing - fishing
mengumpulkan perangko - collecting stamps
surat-menyurat - corresponding/letter writing

Sports (olahraga)
lari - to swim
layar - to sail
bertanding - to compete
angkat besi - weight lifting
atletik - athletics
balap sepeda - cycling
berkuda - equestrian
bilyar - billiards
bola net - netball
bulutangkis - badminton
golf - golf
hoki - hockey
karate-do - karate
mendayung - rowing
menembak - shooting
anggar - fencing
senam - gymnastics
panahan - archery
pencak silat - indonesian martial arts
renang - swimming
sepak takraw - ball game
squash - squash
tae kwon do - tae kwon do
tenis meja - table tennis
tinju - boxing
yudo - judo


On friday, Bu Indra was really keen for us to hear Peterpan and Yuni Shara as apparently music is part of our topic, 'going on holidays'. I was just telling one of my friends about how I have like... 2 words from the song stuck in my head right now. I've got 'apa denganmu' in my head. Earlier, I was telling her about what Bu Indra told us about people getting paid 20 cents per word as a translator and all these other things she says about the things you can do with Indonesian in the future. And that Bu Indra wants at least one of her students to create an Indonesian video or texts. I said to my friend that she can do all the artistic designer stuff, and I'll just feed her with the phrases. It could work!

But anyway, back to the main topic - musik. Bu Indra showed us video clips of Peterpan's Ada Apa Denganmu and one of Yuni's songs.

Because our translation of Ada Apa Denganmu isn't that great, I looked it up. I found something I thought was funny at

"The biggest band in Indonesia, without a doubt, is Peterpan. (Yes, one word.) Their sound is pretty standard pop-rock, and there is no real reason why they should be popular instead of any number of other cookie cutter mass produced bands, but they are the ones. Whereever you go in Indonesia, in any shop or any internet cafe, you can here their latest album being played. It's called Bintang di Surga, which means "Stars in Heaven." It's even popular in Malaysia--we were at a mall a couple months ago and heard it being played on the loudspeakers. Their biggest hit is "Ada Apa Denganmu?," which means "What Is It With You?" This is like the "Hey Ya" of Indonesia; not that it sounds anything like it, but rather that it is a song that is pretty inescapable. Naturally, it's become so ingrained in our head that before we left, we had to buy the album. As far as mass-produced pop-rock goes, it's pretty listenable."

I found a better translation of Ada Apa Denganmu from one of his/her commentors, which I think is better than our class' and the Indolaysia's author's translation.

Ada Apa Dengamu by Peterpan
Sudah maafkan aku, segala salahku,
Dan bila kau tetap bisu ungkapkan salahmu.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.

Sudah, lupakan semua: segala berubah
Dan kita terlupakan kita terluka.
Dan aku sifatku, dan aku khilafku,
Dan aku cintaku, dan aku rinduku.

Kutanya malam, dapatkah kau lihatnya
Perbedaan yang tak terungkapkan?
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?
Oh...hanya malam dapat meleburkan
Segala rasa yang tak terungkapkan.
Tapi mengapah kau tak berubah
Ada apa denganmu?

What is the matter with you? by Peterpan
After forgiving me
All of my wrongdoings
And when you remain silent
Remember your own mistakes

And I, who I am (*sifatku -- my characteristic but also who I am*)
And I, my weaknesses (*khilafku -- innate flaws*)
And I, my love (*cintaku - my love, not that he loves himself; that would be Dan I cinta kepada diriku*)
And I, my sorrow (*he misses someone - the girl he is singing to, not himself*)

Have forgotten everything
Everything has changed
And we've forgotten
And we've been hurt
And I, who I am
And I, my innate weaknesses
And I, my love
And I, my sorrow

(*They've broken up and forgotten a lot about their relationship?
Everything does not appear to be the same anymore when they meet?
They've forgotten -- all of the good times?
They've both been hurt by the ordeal?
And he is who he is, -- Only human?
With his innate flaws
With his loves
And his sorrow*)

I ask the night
Can you see the difference?
That is not spoken?
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?

(*Did they meet at night?
He looks at her and wonders if she is still the same girl that he knew those many nights ago?
Yet he cannot see any difference - it cannot be identified.
And so he questions himself
Why has she not changed?
Was this a egotistical call on his side because he wanted to believe that he had a more profound effect on her?
Or is it because he does not know why she remains to be the same girl that he cared for? And thus still does?
Or is it because he sees her for who she really is now, now that he is no longer blinded by love and wonders what he ever saw in her?*)

Only the night can release
All the feeling that is not spoken
But why have you not changed?
What is with you?

(*So, only the night can free him from the hauntings of his mind.
And the emotions that cloud his head.
Why has she not changed?
What is with her?*)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tonight I found a website called my language where you can get e-pals from all over the world who speak different languages. sort of like a language exchange pen pal program type thing. um. yeah. anyway, i noticed that bahasa indonesia was there. i havent signed up though. i got distracted by word games.

i'm currently playing hangman.... and the answer is harganya berapa. you can create your own hangman game there for people to test their skills out too. the categories of hangman games are popular expressions, famous quotes, proverbs, famous name or title, and 'other'. asyik, ya?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Last night Christina tested me once again on my Indonesian. This time I was able to say more stuff. Yay! lol But she totally, utterly confused me with some sentences that I didn't understand.

For example:

Chris: kita kan berbicara biasa, bukan pekerjaan rumah
Angie: is that we usually talk right, no homework?
Chris: it's something like "we're having normal conversation, not homework"

[Oh. i wonder what biasa and kan means. i thought biasa meant 'usually' as in biasnya. and kan is like.... isnt that right which is a question tag used at the end of a question. I always thought it was the last word, like, "You like this, right?"]

Chris: kan kamu murid yang rajin
Angie: murid dan rajin apa artinya?
Chris: murid = student
Chris: do you know it as 'pelajar' ?
Angie: probably
Chris: rajin = dilligent
Chris: or hardworking

[Oh. I see. I'm glad I know how to say "apa artinya?" now... :-|]

I can't believe I got an Indo work out at 12:30+ in the morning!!!!! Oh well. At least I learned something new....