Sunday, September 18, 2005

Chapter 1: Sports and entertainment (Olahraga dan hiburan)

Hobbies (hobi)
berbelanja - shopping
bermalas-malas - lazing around
bersepatu roda - rollerskating
memancing - fishing
mengumpulkan perangko - collecting stamps
surat-menyurat - corresponding/letter writing

Sports (olahraga)
lari - to swim
layar - to sail
bertanding - to compete
angkat besi - weight lifting
atletik - athletics
balap sepeda - cycling
berkuda - equestrian
bilyar - billiards
bola net - netball
bulutangkis - badminton
golf - golf
hoki - hockey
karate-do - karate
mendayung - rowing
menembak - shooting
anggar - fencing
senam - gymnastics
panahan - archery
pencak silat - indonesian martial arts
renang - swimming
sepak takraw - ball game
squash - squash
tae kwon do - tae kwon do
tenis meja - table tennis
tinju - boxing
yudo - judo

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