Monday, August 29, 2005

Buying fruits

Sekilo - a kilo. Eg, a kilo of oranges would be sekilo jeruk. 2 kilos of oranges would be dua kilo jeruk.
Sesisir - a bunch/hand (eg of bananas). Eg, sesisir pisang means a bunch of bananas. 2 bunches of bananas would be dua sisir pisang

Seikat - a tied bunch (eg rambutan). Eg, seikat rambutan, seikat anggur. 2 bunches of grapes would be dua ikat anggur.

- a fruit... Eg 1 apple would be sebuah apel. 2 apples would be dua buah apel.

Other words

Please try! - Silakan coba! - silakan means please, coba means try
Cheap - murah
Expensive - mahal
To buy - membeli
Big - besar
Small - kecil
Only - cuma

Some phrases that may be said when bargaining
Can bargain? - Boleh menawar?
Is that ok or not? - Boleh nggak?
A little higher (offer a higher price) - Naikkan sedikit
I won't make any profit! - Nanti saya rugi

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