Thursday, May 26, 2005

Where do you want to go?

Gimana kalau kita ke bioskop? - How about we go to the cinema?
Gimana kalau kita ke kota? - How about we go to the city?
Gimana kalau kita ke rumah John? - How about we go to John's house?
Gimana kalau kita ke plaza? - How about we go to the shopping centre?
Gimana kalau ke lapangan olahraga? - How about we go to the sports field?
Gimana kalau ke restoran fast food? - How about we go to a fast food restaurant?

Aku mau ke plaza - I want to go to the shopping centre
Ron tidak mau ke restoran fast food - Ron doesn't want to go to a fast food restaurant
Dia tidak suka ke kota - S/he doesn't like to go to the city
Lynsey berdua mau ke kota malam ini - Both Lynsey and I want to got to the sini tonight

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