Thursday, May 12, 2005

Other OSIS words (Chapter 5)

anggota - member
dalam - in
kami - we (excluding some)
ketua - leader, head
menerbitkan - to publish
pasti kamu suka! - you're sure to like it!
di depan - in front of
ayo - let's go
bicara sama - to talk to/with
bisa nggak? - thats possible, isnt it?
cara - way, method
gimana caranya - how do you do it?
kalau bisa - if possible
masih - still
mau sekali - really want
suka banget - really like (banget is interchangeable with sekali in this context)
nggak apa-apa! - don't worry about it!
pandai - good at
semmingu - per week
sering - often

Aku belum pandai... - I'm not good at ___ yet
Aku sudah pandai... - I'm good at ____

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