Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Where are you going?

In Indonesia, apparently people will ask you where you are going all the time. (But not being nosy... just a way of talking).

Some phrases they will use to ask where you're going (and valid answers to those questions) are:

Mau ke mana? - Where are you going?
Answer: - ke sana (over there), ke sini (over here), ke situ (nearby)

Dari mana? - Where did you go?/Where have you been?
Answer: - dari pub (from the pub), dari cafe (from the cafe), dari rumah teman (from a friends house)

Naik apa? - What did you go by?
Answer: naik sepeda (went by bicycle), naik bis (went by bus), naik angkot (went by minivan).
Saya ke kampus naik mobil. (I go to campus by car).

Dengan siapa? - With who?
Answer: dengan teman (with a friend)

Berapa ongkos bis ke kota? - How much is the fare to the city by bus?
Ongkos is fee/fare/price for transport. Harga cannot be used for this context.

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