Thursday, May 12, 2005


OSIS: Organisasi Siswa Intrasekolah (student council)

Pencinta Alam - Nature lovers (as in people who like nature/the environment...)
Pramuka - scouts/brownies
Bahasa Inggris - English
Palang Merah Remaja - Teenage Red Cross
Drum Band - Drum band
Redaksi Sekolah - School magazine committee
Sepak bola - soccer
Musik - music

bernyani - singing
bermain alat musik - play different musical instruments
kemping - camping
menulis artikel - writing articles
memotret - photography
berlatih PPK/P3K - practising first aid
mendaki gunung - mountain climbing
ngobrol dalam Bahasa Inggris - speaking English
baris-berbaris - marching
bermain sepak bola - playing soccer
berlatih sepak bola - practising soccer

Q: Anda mau ikut klub apa? (What club do you want to join?)
A: Saya suka kemping dan mendaki gunung. (I like camping and mountain climbing)
Q: Kalau begitu, ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (If that's the case, join the Nature Lovers club)
A: Baiklah! Saya ikut Klub Pencinta Alam. (Ok! I will join the Nature Lovers club)

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