Thursday, May 12, 2005

Other chapter 4 words

There is/there are - ada
Anak-anak - children (handy note: to make a plural, just say it twice!)
apa lagi? - anything else?
baiklah! - OK!
banyak - a lot. eg terima kasih banayak - thanks a lot
beli - to buy. (membeli used in formal situations)
berapa harganya? - how much is it? (harganya = the cost)
harganya pas - fixed price
buat apa? - what for?
diskon - discount
gratis - free
hampir - almost
itu aja - that's all. (aja is informal, saja is formal)
jadi - so, therefore
juga - also, too
kalau - if
kalau begitu - if that's the case
kenapa - why/how?
macam - type
murah - cheap
obral - sale!
pergi - go. (eg saya pergi ke kantin - i went to the canteen)
sama - and/with
semuanya - all together (eg harganya semuanya? = whats the total price?)
sesudah - after
tutup - shut
uang - money
uang kembali - money (change)
alat - equipment. stationery = alat-alat sekolah

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