Nih - is like an exclamation mark. eg Kita terlambat, nih! (Kita = we, terlambat = late)
Kan - means right, isn't it?, aren't they? etc. eg, Hari ini Hari Jumat, kan?
Kalian - used to address more than one person if they are of a similar age or younger than you, or people you know very well.
Nggak - means or not, no? eg Anda suka Senin Rupa, nggak? (Do you like Art or not?)
Sudah - Already. eg Saya sudah belajar Sejarah. (I have already studied History)
Belum - Not/not yet. eg Aku belum belajar Ilmu Fisika. (I haven't studied Chemistry yet).
Ayo - Let's go
Buat - For
Jadi - So/Therefore
Kamu ngaco! - You don't know what you're talking about!
Kantin - canteen
Kenapa aku lupa? - How could I forget? (lupa = forget)
Lapar - hungry
Latihan - practice. Latihannya - The practice.
Pikir - to think
Berlatih - to train/practise
Istirahat - break/recess
lebih suka - prefer
bel - bell
Beres! - That's settled!
Bicarakan - to talk
di telpon - On the phone
Kenal - know (someone)
lancar - fluent
masuk - to go in
musti - must/have to
Sampai nanti - Until later!
Senang - happy
Siapa bilang? - Who says?
Tapi - but
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