Keren, ya? - Isn't that cool?
kaus - t-shirt
hat - topi
sash/scarf - selendang
gelang - bracelet, bangle
black sungalasses - kaca mata hitam
pearl necklace - kalung mutiara
shorts - celana pendek
hi ho hi ho off to learn indonesian we go... Guide to Learning Indonesian (According to the Curtin University Indonesian classes) April - May 2005: Indonesian 111 August - October 2005: Indonesian 112 April - May 2006: Indonesian 211
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
What I'm wearing today
Hari ini saya memkai - Today I'm wearing ....
Today I'm wearing a red, blue and white jumper. My pants are red. My earrings are made from gold.
Hari ini saya memkai baju berwana merah, biru dan putih. Celana berwarna merah. Anting-anting terbuat dari emas.
Hari ini aku memakai baju merah, biru dan putih. Celana merah. Anting-anting buat dari emas.
Today I'm wearing a red, blue and white jumper. My pants are red. My earrings are made from gold.
Hari ini saya memkai baju berwana merah, biru dan putih. Celana berwarna merah. Anting-anting terbuat dari emas.
Hari ini aku memakai baju merah, biru dan putih. Celana merah. Anting-anting buat dari emas.
Size & colour
Just in case people don't get it, you're supposed to ask for sizes like this:
Sales assistant: Mau ukuran berapa? (What size do you want?)
Shopper: Ukuran dua belas. (Size 12).
And to ask for a certain colour...:
Shop assistant: Suka warna kemeja ini? (What colour do you like this shirt in?)
Shopper: Saya tidak suka merah muda. Ada warna yang lain? (I don't like pink. What other colours are there?)
Shop assistant: Ada yang biru, hitam dan putih. (There is blue, black and white ones).
And to say its too (short/tight/long, etc)
A: Celana ini cocok buat saya? (Does this pants look good on me?)
B: Wah!! Yang itu terlalu longgar!!! (Whoa! It's too long!)
Sales assistant: Mau ukuran berapa? (What size do you want?)
Shopper: Ukuran dua belas. (Size 12).
And to ask for a certain colour...:
Shop assistant: Suka warna kemeja ini? (What colour do you like this shirt in?)
Shopper: Saya tidak suka merah muda. Ada warna yang lain? (I don't like pink. What other colours are there?)
Shop assistant: Ada yang biru, hitam dan putih. (There is blue, black and white ones).
And to say its too (short/tight/long, etc)
A: Celana ini cocok buat saya? (Does this pants look good on me?)
B: Wah!! Yang itu terlalu longgar!!! (Whoa! It's too long!)
'the most'
There are two different patterns.
1) "... adalah yang ter + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
For example:
Cincin saya adalah yang termahal - My ring is the most expensive.
Australia adalah pulau yang terbesar - Australia is the largest island.
Rok dia adalah yang terindah - Her dress is the most beautiful.
2) ".... adalah yang paling + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
Mobil ini adalah yang paling baru - This car is the newest.
Rumah itu adalah yang paling lama - That house is the oldest.
1) "... adalah yang ter + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
For example:
Cincin saya adalah yang termahal - My ring is the most expensive.
Australia adalah pulau yang terbesar - Australia is the largest island.
Rok dia adalah yang terindah - Her dress is the most beautiful.
2) ".... adalah yang paling + adjective" = ___ is the most (adjective)
Mobil ini adalah yang paling baru - This car is the newest.
Rumah itu adalah yang paling lama - That house is the oldest.
..... compared to .......
The pattern "1st subject/object + lebih + adjective + daripada + 2nd subject/object"
For example:
Sepatu ini lebih kecil daripada sepatu itu - These shoes are smaller compared to those shoes.
Merek celana jins lebih keren daripada merek celana itu - These brand of jeans are more trendy compared to that brand of jeans.
Jas ini lebih bermutu baik daripada jas itu - This jacket is of better quality compared to that jacket.
For example:
Sepatu ini lebih kecil daripada sepatu itu - These shoes are smaller compared to those shoes.
Merek celana jins lebih keren daripada merek celana itu - These brand of jeans are more trendy compared to that brand of jeans.
Jas ini lebih bermutu baik daripada jas itu - This jacket is of better quality compared to that jacket.
Degree of comparison ('Se' prefix)
SE + ADJECTIVE = as ____ as _____
For example:
Makananku seenak makananmu - My food is as tasty as your food.
Rok ini semahal rok itu - This dress is as expensive as that dress.
Mary secantik Elizabeth - Mary is as pretty as Elizabeth.
Jeruk ini semanis jeruk itu - This orange is as sweet as that orange.
For example:
Makananku seenak makananmu - My food is as tasty as your food.
Rok ini semahal rok itu - This dress is as expensive as that dress.
Mary secantik Elizabeth - Mary is as pretty as Elizabeth.
Jeruk ini semanis jeruk itu - This orange is as sweet as that orange.
The 'ber' prefix
BER + NOUN = TO HAVE _____
So therefore........
BER + WARNA = To have colour
BER + MAIN = To (have) play/do
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
BER + MEREK = To have a brand name
For example, bermerek adidas (brand named adidas)
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
For example, bermotif bintik-bintik (to have a polka dot pattern)
bermotif garis-garis (to have a striped pattern)
bermotif kotak-kotak (to have a checked pattern)
So therefore........
BER + WARNA = To have colour
BER + MAIN = To (have) play/do
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
BER + MEREK = To have a brand name
For example, bermerek adidas (brand named adidas)
BER + MOTIF = To have a pattern
For example, bermotif bintik-bintik (to have a polka dot pattern)
bermotif garis-garis (to have a striped pattern)
bermotif kotak-kotak (to have a checked pattern)
Monday, August 29, 2005
More general clothes...stuff...
More ways of how to say you want to bargain...
Boleh ditawar? (Can be bargained?)
Boleh kurang? (Can it be less?)
Ada diskon? (Is there a discount?)
Or... if the sales person doesnt want to bargain. Harga pas. (Fixed price)
How to say a clothing is made from a certain fabric
Pattern: Piece of clothing + ini (this) + terbuat dari (made from) + fabric
This jacket is made from leather would be: Jas ini terbuat dari kulit (jas being jacket, kulit meaning leather).
This pattern obviously changes if I'm talking about someone's clothing.... like maybe yours!
Your shirt is made from cotton would be: Kemeja anda terbuat dari katun
Some more adjectives for clothing: Opposites
Longgar (loose) x Sempit (tight)
Keren (trendy - for car, clothes, etc) x Kuno (ancient, old fasioned)
Panjang (long) x Pendek (short)
Baru (new) x Lama (old object)
Bagus (good) and indah (beautiful) - both are for inanimate objects. An inanimate ugly object would be "jelek".
Pretty (woman) - cantik x buruk (Ugly {person})
Boleh ditawar? (Can be bargained?)
Boleh kurang? (Can it be less?)
Ada diskon? (Is there a discount?)
Or... if the sales person doesnt want to bargain. Harga pas. (Fixed price)
How to say a clothing is made from a certain fabric
Pattern: Piece of clothing + ini (this) + terbuat dari (made from) + fabric
This jacket is made from leather would be: Jas ini terbuat dari kulit (jas being jacket, kulit meaning leather).
This pattern obviously changes if I'm talking about someone's clothing.... like maybe yours!
Your shirt is made from cotton would be: Kemeja anda terbuat dari katun
Some more adjectives for clothing: Opposites
Longgar (loose) x Sempit (tight)
Keren (trendy - for car, clothes, etc) x Kuno (ancient, old fasioned)
Panjang (long) x Pendek (short)
Baru (new) x Lama (old object)
Bagus (good) and indah (beautiful) - both are for inanimate objects. An inanimate ugly object would be "jelek".
Pretty (woman) - cantik x buruk (Ugly {person})
Chapter 11: Clothes
Clothes (pakaian)
Earrings - anting-anting
Jumper/top - baju
Pants - celana
Track pants - celana olahraga
Jeans - celana jins
Ring - cincin
Watch - jam tangan
Proper Jacket - jas
Socks - kaus kaki
Shirt - kemeja
Skirt/dress - rok
Sandals - sandal
Shoes - sepatu
Belt - ikat pinggang
Made from.... - terbuat dari
Gold - emas
Silver - perak
Cotton - katun
Leather - kulit
Plastic - plastik
Silk - sutera
Wool - wol
Fabric Patterns
To have a pattern - bermotif ....
Polka dots - bintik-bintik
Striped - garis-garis
Checked - kotak-kotak
How it all fits....
Fit, the right size - pas
Loose - longgar
Size - ukuran
What size? - Berapa ukuran?
Is/are .... brand - bermerek
Brand - merek
Trendy - keren
Good quality - bermutu baik
To look for - memcari (informal: cari)
looks good on.../suits... - cocok buat...
To Get - dapat
Over there - di situ
Fitting room - kamar pas
Worry - kuatir
To bargain - menawar or tawar-menawar
To pick - pilih
Please pick - Silakan pilih
Another colour - warna yang lain
These ones/this one - yang ini
Those ones, that one - yang itu
Another one - yang lain
Earrings - anting-anting
Jumper/top - baju
Pants - celana
Track pants - celana olahraga
Jeans - celana jins
Ring - cincin
Watch - jam tangan
Proper Jacket - jas
Socks - kaus kaki
Shirt - kemeja
Skirt/dress - rok
Sandals - sandal
Shoes - sepatu
Belt - ikat pinggang
Made from.... - terbuat dari
Gold - emas
Silver - perak
Cotton - katun
Leather - kulit
Plastic - plastik
Silk - sutera
Wool - wol
Fabric Patterns
To have a pattern - bermotif ....
Polka dots - bintik-bintik
Striped - garis-garis
Checked - kotak-kotak
How it all fits....
Fit, the right size - pas
Loose - longgar
Size - ukuran
What size? - Berapa ukuran?
Is/are .... brand - bermerek
Brand - merek
Trendy - keren
Good quality - bermutu baik
To look for - memcari (informal: cari)
looks good on.../suits... - cocok buat...
To Get - dapat
Over there - di situ
Fitting room - kamar pas
Worry - kuatir
To bargain - menawar or tawar-menawar
To pick - pilih
Please pick - Silakan pilih
Another colour - warna yang lain
These ones/this one - yang ini
Those ones, that one - yang itu
Another one - yang lain
Other words from Chapter 10
karena - because of
lebih baik nggak - better not
lebih suka - prefer
mengapa - why
pasti - sure
bilang - say, said
siapa bilang? - who says?
hati-hati - be careful
lain kali - the next time
lihat - look
maksud kamu... - what you mean is...
maksud saya... - what I mean is
nggak apa-apa - it doesn't matter
senang - happy
lebih baik nggak - better not
lebih suka - prefer
mengapa - why
pasti - sure
bilang - say, said
siapa bilang? - who says?
hati-hati - be careful
lain kali - the next time
lihat - look
maksud kamu... - what you mean is...
maksud saya... - what I mean is
nggak apa-apa - it doesn't matter
senang - happy
Grammar for Chapter 10 (fruits)
Double adjectives are used to emphasise an adjective.
Semangka besar-besar - The watermelon's very big
Durian bau aneh-aneh - The durian smells very strange
Apokad segar-segar - The avocado's very fresh
Mangganya jingga-jingga - The mango's are orange coloured
"Sudah lama" is used to express "for a long time".
Saya sudah lama tinggal di Perth - I have lived in Perth for a long time.
Dia sudah lama nggak nonton video - She hasn't watched videos for a long time.
Kakak sudah lama main bola basket - My older sibling hasn't played basket ball for a long time.
Silakan - Please (do something)
Silakan coba ini mangga - Please try this mango
Silakan membaca buku ini - Please read this book
Silakan ambil apel di pohon itu - Please take an apple from that tree. (pohon = tree, ambil = take)
Silakan is the opposite of "Jangan", which is 'Don't'
How to emphasise something
Use the pattern: subject + description = emphasis on subject.
Rasa mangga ini manis - The taste of this mango is sweet
Warna bola ini merah - The colour of this ball is red
Kulit durian ini berduri - The skin of this durian is spiky
Semangka besar-besar - The watermelon's very big
Durian bau aneh-aneh - The durian smells very strange
Apokad segar-segar - The avocado's very fresh
Mangganya jingga-jingga - The mango's are orange coloured
"Sudah lama" is used to express "for a long time".
Saya sudah lama tinggal di Perth - I have lived in Perth for a long time.
Dia sudah lama nggak nonton video - She hasn't watched videos for a long time.
Kakak sudah lama main bola basket - My older sibling hasn't played basket ball for a long time.
Silakan - Please (do something)
Silakan coba ini mangga - Please try this mango
Silakan membaca buku ini - Please read this book
Silakan ambil apel di pohon itu - Please take an apple from that tree. (pohon = tree, ambil = take)
Silakan is the opposite of "Jangan", which is 'Don't'
How to emphasise something
Use the pattern: subject + description = emphasis on subject.
Rasa mangga ini manis - The taste of this mango is sweet
Warna bola ini merah - The colour of this ball is red
Kulit durian ini berduri - The skin of this durian is spiky
Buying fruits
Sekilo - a kilo. Eg, a kilo of oranges would be sekilo jeruk. 2 kilos of oranges would be dua kilo jeruk.
Sesisir - a bunch/hand (eg of bananas). Eg, sesisir pisang means a bunch of bananas. 2 bunches of bananas would be dua sisir pisang
Seikat - a tied bunch (eg rambutan). Eg, seikat rambutan, seikat anggur. 2 bunches of grapes would be dua ikat anggur.
Sebuah - a fruit... Eg 1 apple would be sebuah apel. 2 apples would be dua buah apel.
Other words
Please try! - Silakan coba! - silakan means please, coba means try
Cheap - murah
Expensive - mahal
To buy - membeli
Big - besar
Small - kecil
Only - cuma
Some phrases that may be said when bargaining
Can bargain? - Boleh menawar?
Is that ok or not? - Boleh nggak?
A little higher (offer a higher price) - Naikkan sedikit
I won't make any profit! - Nanti saya rugi
Sekilo - a kilo. Eg, a kilo of oranges would be sekilo jeruk. 2 kilos of oranges would be dua kilo jeruk.
Sesisir - a bunch/hand (eg of bananas). Eg, sesisir pisang means a bunch of bananas. 2 bunches of bananas would be dua sisir pisang
Seikat - a tied bunch (eg rambutan). Eg, seikat rambutan, seikat anggur. 2 bunches of grapes would be dua ikat anggur.
Sebuah - a fruit... Eg 1 apple would be sebuah apel. 2 apples would be dua buah apel.
Other words
Please try! - Silakan coba! - silakan means please, coba means try
Cheap - murah
Expensive - mahal
To buy - membeli
Big - besar
Small - kecil
Only - cuma
Some phrases that may be said when bargaining
Can bargain? - Boleh menawar?
Is that ok or not? - Boleh nggak?
A little higher (offer a higher price) - Naikkan sedikit
I won't make any profit! - Nanti saya rugi
Describing fruit

Ini pisang. Kulitnya berwarna kuning. Dagingnya berwarna kuning muda. Rasanya manis. Saya suka pisang.
(This is a banana. The skin is yellow. The flesh is light yellow. It tastes sweet. I like bananas.)

Ini nanas. Kulitnya keras dan berduri. Dagingnya berwana kuning. Rasanya asam. Saya benci nanas.
(This is a pineappe. The skin is tough and spiky. The flesh is yellow. It tastes sour. I hate pineapples.)

Ini rambutan. Kulitnya berwana merah. Dagingnya berwarna putih. Rasanya manis. Saya suka sekali Rambutan!
(This is a rambutan. The skin is red. The flesh is yellow. It tastes sweet. I really like rambutan!)

Ini durian. Kulitnya keras dan berduri. Dagingnya berwarna krem. Rasanya manis sekali. Buanya aneh....... buanya.... manis sekali! (?)
(This is a durian. The skin is tough and spiky. The flesh is cream coloured. It tastes really sweet. The smell is strange.... the smell is very sweet!)
Red durian from my home state, Sabah:

Ini durian dari Sabah, Malaysia. Dagingnya berwarna merah. Buanya tidak aneh.
(This durian is from Sabah, Malaysia. The flesh is red. It doesn't have a strange smell.)

Ini anggur. Kulitnya berwarna ungu, merah atau hijau. Rasanya manis.
(These are grapes. The skin can be purple, red or green. It tastes sweet).

Ini manggis. Kulitnya keras dan berwarna ungu. Dagingnya berwana putih. Rasanya manis. Saya suka sekali Manggis!
(These are mangosteens. The skin is touch and purple. The flesh is white. It is sweet. I really like Mangosteens! (Actually, they are my favourite tropical fruit.))

Ini mangga. Kalau matang, kulitnya berwarna kuning dan kalau masih mentah kulitnya berwarna hijau. Dagingnya berwarna kuning atau jingga. Rasanya manis. Keluarga saya suka sekali mangga.
(This is a mango. If it is ripe, the colour is yellow and if it is not yet ripe the colour of the skin is green. The flesh is yellow or orange. The taste is sweet. My family really likes mangoes.)

Ini belimbing. Kulitnya berwarna kuning atau hijau. Rasanya masam dan manis. Bentuknya seperti bintang!
(This is a star fruit. The skin is yellow or green. The taste is sour and sweet. The shape resembles a star... (hence the name "star fruit!"))

Ini semangka. Kulitnya tebal, keras dan berwarna hijau dan putih. Dagingnya berwarna merah. Rasanya manis. Saya tidak suka semangka.
(This is a watermelon. The skin is think, tough and is coloured green and white. The flesh is red. It tastes sweet. I don't like watermelons.)
Describing fruits
Fruit.... parts...
Kulit - skin
Daging - flesh
Rasa - taste
Cream - krem
Light colour - colour + muda. Eg pink is merah (red) muda
Dark colour - colour + tua. Eg dark blue is biru tua
Taste (rasa)
Sweet - manis
Tangy, sour - masam or asam
Delicious - enak
Smell (Bau)
Strange - aneh
Sweet - manis
Other fruit descriptors
Shape - bentuk
Spiky - berduri
Star - bintang
Ripe - matang
Not ripe - mentah
Like/similar to - seperti
Tough/hard - keras
Kulit - skin
Daging - flesh
Rasa - taste
Cream - krem
Light colour - colour + muda. Eg pink is merah (red) muda
Dark colour - colour + tua. Eg dark blue is biru tua
Taste (rasa)
Sweet - manis
Tangy, sour - masam or asam
Delicious - enak
Smell (Bau)
Strange - aneh
Sweet - manis
Other fruit descriptors
Shape - bentuk
Spiky - berduri
Star - bintang
Ripe - matang
Not ripe - mentah
Like/similar to - seperti
Tough/hard - keras
Fruits (Buah-buahan)
Banana - pisang
Pineapple - nanas
Rambutan - rambutan
Durian - durian
Grapes - anggur
Mangosteen - manggis
Mango - mangga
Starfruit - belimbing
Watermelon - semangka
Passionfruit - markisa
Dates - kurma
Custard Apple - sirsak
Orange - jeruk
Avocado - apokad
Kiwi fruit - Buah kiwi
Jackfruit - nangka
Pineapple - nanas
Rambutan - rambutan
Durian - durian
Grapes - anggur
Mangosteen - manggis
Mango - mangga
Starfruit - belimbing
Watermelon - semangka
Passionfruit - markisa
Dates - kurma
Custard Apple - sirsak
Orange - jeruk
Avocado - apokad
Kiwi fruit - Buah kiwi
Jackfruit - nangka
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Is there a difference between "oranye" and "jingga". I have been taught in Malay and Indonesian that 'jingga' is orange - not oranye, yet I am consistently seeing the word "oranye" in an Indonesian Learning Wikibook.
Fortunately enough, Wikibooks can be edited by everyone, so I've changed all the words that I think are wrong (such as oranye) into words I think are right (such as jingga)! This might seem a bit tedious and... well, frankly a bit rude (because the person who wrote this wikibook should know what theyre doing if theyre writing a hand book!) But hey, jingga is right too. :p
Fortunately enough, Wikibooks can be edited by everyone, so I've changed all the words that I think are wrong (such as oranye) into words I think are right (such as jingga)! This might seem a bit tedious and... well, frankly a bit rude (because the person who wrote this wikibook should know what theyre doing if theyre writing a hand book!) But hey, jingga is right too. :p
Flirting in Indonesian - A Language Guide for Butterflies
I found this site, Learning In Indonesian - A Language Guide for Butterflies at a Indonesian Language Learning Portal. I thought it was pretty funny, particularly as I had made a "Dating in Chinese" website for CALL last year. I'm sure it will come in handy... one day... for... someone.
It has some pretty handy phrases, like:
Saya suka kamu untuk teman saja - I only like you as a friend
Saya suka orang lain - I like someone else
Saya sakit hati - I am heart broken
Mau nikah sama saya - Do you want to marry me?
Kamu ganteng - You're handsome
Kamu cantik - You're pretty
Saya suka sifat kamu - I like your character/I like the way you are
and many other... useful things... ;)
It has some pretty handy phrases, like:
Saya suka kamu untuk teman saja - I only like you as a friend
Saya suka orang lain - I like someone else
Saya sakit hati - I am heart broken
Mau nikah sama saya - Do you want to marry me?
Kamu ganteng - You're handsome
Kamu cantik - You're pretty
Saya suka sifat kamu - I like your character/I like the way you are
and many other... useful things... ;)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Glossary for Chapter 9
foto - photo
lihat - see/look at
teman-teman - friends
acara - plans/arrangements
membawa - to bring
berangkat - leave
dulu - first of all
makanan - food
menjaga - to look after
minta ijin - ask permission
sayang sekali - what a pity!
sebentar - just a moment
mengajak - to invite
sebelum - before
pagi-pagi - the morning
nanti sore - later this afternoon
konser - concert
lagi - again
Key sentences to remember!
Mau dong! - I'd love to!
Sebentar, ya - Wait a minute
Aku minta ijin dulu - I will ask permission first.
Boleh. Aku boleh ikut. - I'm allowed to. I can come along.
Maaf, aku nggak bisa - Sorry I can't.
Wah, sayang sekali! - Oh! What a pity!
Aku sudah ada acara - I already have plans
Aku bawa gitar, ya! - I'll bring a guitar.
lihat - see/look at
teman-teman - friends
acara - plans/arrangements
membawa - to bring
berangkat - leave
dulu - first of all
makanan - food
menjaga - to look after
minta ijin - ask permission
sayang sekali - what a pity!
sebentar - just a moment
mengajak - to invite
sebelum - before
pagi-pagi - the morning
nanti sore - later this afternoon
konser - concert
lagi - again
Key sentences to remember!
Mau dong! - I'd love to!
Sebentar, ya - Wait a minute
Aku minta ijin dulu - I will ask permission first.
Boleh. Aku boleh ikut. - I'm allowed to. I can come along.
Maaf, aku nggak bisa - Sorry I can't.
Wah, sayang sekali! - Oh! What a pity!
Aku sudah ada acara - I already have plans
Aku bawa gitar, ya! - I'll bring a guitar.
Dong, Musti/Harus, Yang lalu
Dong is used to emphasise an idea expressed. For example:
Eg: Anda mau bermain bola basket? Ya, mau dong!
In this case, "Ya, mau dong!" means, "Yes, I really want to!"
The difference between Musti and Harus
Musti is used informally. It is only used verbally. Harus is formal, and can be used verbally or in writing.
Yang lalu
Yang lalu is used when talking about something in the past. For example:
Dua tahun yang lalu, umur saya sembilan puluh tahun. (2 years ago, I was 19 yrs old).
Pada pesta yang lalu, saya ketemu Sue. (At the last party, I met Sue).
Dong is used to emphasise an idea expressed. For example:
Eg: Anda mau bermain bola basket? Ya, mau dong!
In this case, "Ya, mau dong!" means, "Yes, I really want to!"
The difference between Musti and Harus
Musti is used informally. It is only used verbally. Harus is formal, and can be used verbally or in writing.
Yang lalu
Yang lalu is used when talking about something in the past. For example:
Dua tahun yang lalu, umur saya sembilan puluh tahun. (2 years ago, I was 19 yrs old).
Pada pesta yang lalu, saya ketemu Sue. (At the last party, I met Sue).
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sudah & Belum
Sudah = already
Saya sudah menonton The Joy Luck Club - I have already watched The Joy Luck Club.
When put in a verb, 'sudah' gives a transition to make it a past tesnse. eg instead of saying i eat apple, using sudah in the sentence will mean that i ate an apple.
For example: Michael sudah makan? would mean, "Michael, have you eaten?"
James sudah ke universitas? would mean, "Has James already gone to University?"
Belum = not yet
Belum can be used on it's own.... eg, "Michael, sudah makan?" can be replied to with, "Belum!" (not yet!)
Belum can also be used as a question tag.
Anda sudah menonton Sin City, belum? You have already seen Sin City, haven't you?
Saya sudah menonton The Joy Luck Club - I have already watched The Joy Luck Club.
When put in a verb, 'sudah' gives a transition to make it a past tesnse. eg instead of saying i eat apple, using sudah in the sentence will mean that i ate an apple.
For example: Michael sudah makan? would mean, "Michael, have you eaten?"
James sudah ke universitas? would mean, "Has James already gone to University?"
Belum = not yet
Belum can be used on it's own.... eg, "Michael, sudah makan?" can be replied to with, "Belum!" (not yet!)
Belum can also be used as a question tag.
Anda sudah menonton Sin City, belum? You have already seen Sin City, haven't you?
Monday, August 15, 2005
Task 1 (Answering machine message assignment)
Halo, ini Angela.
Halo Indah! Apa kabar? Sudah punya acar untuk Hari Selasa? Saya mau ke Greater Union di Innaloo untuk menonton Sin City. Apakah anda sudah menonton Sin City? Hari Selasa, saya menonton Sin City dengan John dan Sarah. Sin City mulai pada jam delapan malam dan selesai pada jam setengah sebelas. Anda mau ikut menonton Sin City dengan kami? Bioskop tiket harga Dolar Lima. Kita makan dulu ke McDonalds sebelum pergi ke bioskop, ya? Jangan lupa menelepon saya untuk konfirmasi! Sampai nanti!
Hi Indah, how are you? Do you already have plans for tuesday? I want to go to Greater Union in Innaloo to watch Sin City. Do you want to watch Sin City? On tuesday, I am watching Sin City with John and Sarah. Sin City starts at 8pm and finishes at 10:30pm. Do you want to watch Sin City with us? The movie ticket costs $5. We'll go to McDonald's before going to the cinemas, ok? Don't forget to RSVP! See you later!
Halo Indah! Apa kabar? Sudah punya acar untuk Hari Selasa? Saya mau ke Greater Union di Innaloo untuk menonton Sin City. Apakah anda sudah menonton Sin City? Hari Selasa, saya menonton Sin City dengan John dan Sarah. Sin City mulai pada jam delapan malam dan selesai pada jam setengah sebelas. Anda mau ikut menonton Sin City dengan kami? Bioskop tiket harga Dolar Lima. Kita makan dulu ke McDonalds sebelum pergi ke bioskop, ya? Jangan lupa menelepon saya untuk konfirmasi! Sampai nanti!
Hi Indah, how are you? Do you already have plans for tuesday? I want to go to Greater Union in Innaloo to watch Sin City. Do you want to watch Sin City? On tuesday, I am watching Sin City with John and Sarah. Sin City starts at 8pm and finishes at 10:30pm. Do you want to watch Sin City with us? The movie ticket costs $5. We'll go to McDonald's before going to the cinemas, ok? Don't forget to RSVP! See you later!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
back to uni
today was my first indonesian lecture for this semester. it went ok, except i couldnt remember how to count. lol i had trouble during the holidays when Christina asked me to describe her in Indonesian.
Fortunately, after much revision during the class, I actually remembered stuff. Bu Indra went over these things about how to be a good language student. I remembered what things read in Indonesian, but not how to say it. This is similar to me learning Chinese. I'm more likely to be able to read a sentence and know what it means than speak a sentence without really thinking about it because you have to think about forming the sentence. The weird thing is that I didn't have that difficulty when I was learning Japanese - which is probably the language I have excelled in learning most other than English over the years.
Fortunately, after much revision during the class, I actually remembered stuff. Bu Indra went over these things about how to be a good language student. I remembered what things read in Indonesian, but not how to say it. This is similar to me learning Chinese. I'm more likely to be able to read a sentence and know what it means than speak a sentence without really thinking about it because you have to think about forming the sentence. The weird thing is that I didn't have that difficulty when I was learning Japanese - which is probably the language I have excelled in learning most other than English over the years.
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