Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Religious ceremony vocab

Names of the 5 major world religions
Agama Hindu - Hinduism
Agama Islam - Islam
Agama Budha - Buddhism
Agama Kristen - Christianity
Agama Yahudi - Judaism

General religious ceremony vocabulary
Fasting month - bulan puasa
Gods - dewa-dewa
To be burnt - dibakar
Incense - dupa
Please forgive my sins - maaf lahir batin
Corpse - mayat
To Worship - memuja
Tower - menara
To Follow - menganut
To carry on the head - menjunjung
Ancestors - nenek moyang
Chest/coffin - peti
Ceremony - upacara

Wedding Ceremony vocab
Customs - adat
Wedding - perkawinan
For your blessing - atas doa restu
To intend - bermaksud
Attendance - kehadiran
To give permission - mengizinkan
The One Almighty God - Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Side by Side - berdamingan
Shake hands - bersalaman
Joined in by - diikuti
Groom - pengantin laki-laki
Bride - pengantin wanita
Guest - tamu

1 comment:

Scott McLean said...

Hi, I like your website teaching Indonesian language. More people should teach others the language of their country. I will try to learn some words. Take care, Scott