RATUSAN - 100's
Seratus - 100
Dua ratus - 200
Tiga ratus - 300
Empat ratus - 400
Empat ratus dua puluh lima - 425
RIBUAN - 1000's
Seribu - 1.000
Dua ribu - 2.000
Tiga ribu - 3.000
Empat ribu - 4.000
Lima puluh ribu - 50.000
Lima puluh ribu lima ratus - 50.500
(NB: the decimal point means thousands)
hi ho hi ho off to learn indonesian we go... Guide to Learning Indonesian (According to the Curtin University Indonesian classes) April - May 2005: Indonesian 111 August - October 2005: Indonesian 112 April - May 2006: Indonesian 211
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Other words to do with subjects/langkah 3
Nih - is like an exclamation mark. eg Kita terlambat, nih! (Kita = we, terlambat = late)
Kan - means right, isn't it?, aren't they? etc. eg, Hari ini Hari Jumat, kan?
Kalian - used to address more than one person if they are of a similar age or younger than you, or people you know very well.
Nggak - means or not, no? eg Anda suka Senin Rupa, nggak? (Do you like Art or not?)
Sudah - Already. eg Saya sudah belajar Sejarah. (I have already studied History)
Belum - Not/not yet. eg Aku belum belajar Ilmu Fisika. (I haven't studied Chemistry yet).
Ayo - Let's go
Buat - For
Jadi - So/Therefore
Kamu ngaco! - You don't know what you're talking about!
Kantin - canteen
Kenapa aku lupa? - How could I forget? (lupa = forget)
Lapar - hungry
Latihan - practice. Latihannya - The practice.
Pikir - to think
Berlatih - to train/practise
Istirahat - break/recess
lebih suka - prefer
bel - bell
Beres! - That's settled!
Bicarakan - to talk
di telpon - On the phone
Kenal - know (someone)
lancar - fluent
masuk - to go in
musti - must/have to
Sampai nanti - Until later!
Senang - happy
Siapa bilang? - Who says?
Tapi - but
Kan - means right, isn't it?, aren't they? etc. eg, Hari ini Hari Jumat, kan?
Kalian - used to address more than one person if they are of a similar age or younger than you, or people you know very well.
Nggak - means or not, no? eg Anda suka Senin Rupa, nggak? (Do you like Art or not?)
Sudah - Already. eg Saya sudah belajar Sejarah. (I have already studied History)
Belum - Not/not yet. eg Aku belum belajar Ilmu Fisika. (I haven't studied Chemistry yet).
Ayo - Let's go
Buat - For
Jadi - So/Therefore
Kamu ngaco! - You don't know what you're talking about!
Kantin - canteen
Kenapa aku lupa? - How could I forget? (lupa = forget)
Lapar - hungry
Latihan - practice. Latihannya - The practice.
Pikir - to think
Berlatih - to train/practise
Istirahat - break/recess
lebih suka - prefer
bel - bell
Beres! - That's settled!
Bicarakan - to talk
di telpon - On the phone
Kenal - know (someone)
lancar - fluent
masuk - to go in
musti - must/have to
Sampai nanti - Until later!
Senang - happy
Siapa bilang? - Who says?
Tapi - but
Subjects continued...
Gimana dengan pelajarn itu? (What do you think of that subject?)
Fun - menyenangkan
Interesting - menarik
Very interesting - menarik sekali
Easy - mudah
Boring - membosankan
Difficult - sulit
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ohlaraga?
A: Ohlaraga menyanangkan
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ilmu Fisika?
A: Ilmu Fisika membosankan
Aku suka pelajaran? (Aku is the informal word for I)
Suka sekali - really like
sekali - like
tidak suka - don't like
benci - strongly dislike
1) Aku suka sekali komputer. Pelajaran itu menyenangkan dan mudah.
2) Saya sekali Bahasa Inggris. Pelajaran itu menarik.
3) Aku tidak suka matematika. Pelajaran itu membosankan.
4) Saya benci Strategic Marketing. Pelajaran itu membosankan dan sulit.
Fun - menyenangkan
Interesting - menarik
Very interesting - menarik sekali
Easy - mudah
Boring - membosankan
Difficult - sulit
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ohlaraga?
A: Ohlaraga menyanangkan
Q: Bagaimana dengan Ilmu Fisika?
A: Ilmu Fisika membosankan
Aku suka pelajaran? (Aku is the informal word for I)
Suka sekali - really like
sekali - like
tidak suka - don't like
benci - strongly dislike
1) Aku suka sekali komputer. Pelajaran itu menyenangkan dan mudah.
2) Saya sekali Bahasa Inggris. Pelajaran itu menarik.
3) Aku tidak suka matematika. Pelajaran itu membosankan.
4) Saya benci Strategic Marketing. Pelajaran itu membosankan dan sulit.
Jadwal Pelajaran (Timetable)

Q: Hari apa ada pelajaran Indonesian Lab? (Hari apa = what day, ada = there)
A: Hari Selasa
Q: Jam berapa pelajaran Indonesian Lab mulai? (mulai = start)
A: Jam dua belas
Q: Dan jam berapa pelajaran itu selasai? (selasai = finish)
A: Jam satu
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar apa saja? (What are all the subjects you have on Thursday? (apa saja = all the subject))
A: Aku belajar Marketing Communications dan Business Policy.
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar Marketing Communications jam berapa?
A: Pelajaran Marketing Communications mulai jam setengah tiga dan selasai jam jam empat.

Q: Hari apa ada pelajaran Indonesian Lab? (Hari apa = what day, ada = there)
A: Hari Selasa
Q: Jam berapa pelajaran Indonesian Lab mulai? (mulai = start)
A: Jam dua belas
Q: Dan jam berapa pelajaran itu selasai? (selasai = finish)
A: Jam satu
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar apa saja? (What are all the subjects you have on Thursday? (apa saja = all the subject))
A: Aku belajar Marketing Communications dan Business Policy.
Q: Hari Kamis anda belajar Marketing Communications jam berapa?
A: Pelajaran Marketing Communications mulai jam setengah tiga dan selasai jam jam empat.
School subjects
Languages & Arts
English - Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
Music - Musik
Art - Senin Rupa
Phys Ed.
Sport - Ohlaraga
Physical Education - Pendidikan Jasmani
Social Studies Subjects
History - Sejarah
Geography - Geografi
Indonesian Civics - Pendidikan Pancasila
Social Studies - Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
Physics - Ilmu Fisika
Biology - Ilmu Biologi
Chemistry - Ilmu Kimia
Maths - Matematika
Computing - Komputer
Religion - Agama
English - Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
Music - Musik
Art - Senin Rupa
Phys Ed.
Sport - Ohlaraga
Physical Education - Pendidikan Jasmani
Social Studies Subjects
History - Sejarah
Geography - Geografi
Indonesian Civics - Pendidikan Pancasila
Social Studies - Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
Physics - Ilmu Fisika
Biology - Ilmu Biologi
Chemistry - Ilmu Kimia
Maths - Matematika
Computing - Komputer
Religion - Agama
JAM BERAPA? (whats the time?)
2:00 - Jam dua
2:05 - Jam dua lewat lima
2:15 - Jam dua lewat seperempat
2:30 - Jam setengah tiga
2:45 - Jam tiga kurang seperempat
2: 50 - Jam tiga kurang sepuluh
3:00 - Jam tiga
3:30 - Jam setengah empat
Think of lewat as an addition... like 2 o'clock plus 5 minutes. (i.e., 2:05)
Think of kurang as a subtraction... like 3 o'clock minus 15 minutes . (i.e., 2:45)
Seperempat means 15 minutes. eg 2 o'clock plus 15 minutes - jam dua lewat seperempat (ie, 2:15)
Setengah means 30 minutes. If its 4:30, it must be Jam SETENGAH LIMA, which means half an hr before 5.
2:00 - Jam dua
2:05 - Jam dua lewat lima
2:15 - Jam dua lewat seperempat
2:30 - Jam setengah tiga
2:45 - Jam tiga kurang seperempat
2: 50 - Jam tiga kurang sepuluh
3:00 - Jam tiga
3:30 - Jam setengah empat
Think of lewat as an addition... like 2 o'clock plus 5 minutes. (i.e., 2:05)
Think of kurang as a subtraction... like 3 o'clock minus 15 minutes . (i.e., 2:45)
Seperempat means 15 minutes. eg 2 o'clock plus 15 minutes - jam dua lewat seperempat (ie, 2:15)
Setengah means 30 minutes. If its 4:30, it must be Jam SETENGAH LIMA, which means half an hr before 5.
The Days of our Lives
Monday - hari Senin
Tuesday - hari Selasa
Wednesday - hari Rabu
Thursday - hari Kamis
Friday - hari Jumat
Saturday - hari Sabtu
Sunday - hari Minggu
Hari - Day.
(N.B.: senin, selasa, etc can be put in lower case except for Hari Minggu, because minggu means week.)
The day before yesterday - kemarin dulu
Yesterday - kermarin
Today - hari ini
Tomorrow - besok
The day after tomorrow - lusa (or besok lusa)
Q: Hari ini hari apa, ya? (What's the day today?)
A: Hari ini hari Kamis! (Today is Thursday!)
Tuesday - hari Selasa
Wednesday - hari Rabu
Thursday - hari Kamis
Friday - hari Jumat
Saturday - hari Sabtu
Sunday - hari Minggu
Hari - Day.
(N.B.: senin, selasa, etc can be put in lower case except for Hari Minggu, because minggu means week.)
The day before yesterday - kemarin dulu
Yesterday - kermarin
Today - hari ini
Tomorrow - besok
The day after tomorrow - lusa (or besok lusa)
Q: Hari ini hari apa, ya? (What's the day today?)
A: Hari ini hari Kamis! (Today is Thursday!)
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Keluarga Saya (my family)
Ini keluarga saya. Agnes ibu saya. Umurnya lima puluh enam tahun. Warna rambutnya hitam, pendek dan keriting. Dia sedang mencuci piring. Dia suka joget. James bapak saya. Bapakku meninggal tahun 1998. Kakak laki-laki saya, Michael, sedang komputer. Umurnya dua puluh tiga tahun. Nama saya Angela. Saya sedang mendengarkan musik.
Mencuci piring = washing plates
Joget = dancing
'bapakku meninggal tahun 1998' = my father died in 1998
Mencuci piring = washing plates
Joget = dancing
'bapakku meninggal tahun 1998' = my father died in 1998
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Desbribing a person
Pendiam - quiet
Humoris - humourous
Ramah - friendly
Baik hati - nice
Pemalu - shy
What's their personality like? - Bagaimana sifatnya? (sifat = personality)
They are nice and friendly - Sifatnya baik hati dan ramah
I am shy - Sifat saya pemalu
Hair and eye colour
Colour - warna
Black - hitam
Red - merah
Pink - merah muda
Green - hijau
Blue - biru
Purple - ungu
Orange - jingga
White - putih
Blonde - pirang
Brown - coklat
Grey - abu-abu
What colour is...? - Apa warna .....?
Eyes - mata
Hair - rambut
Short (hair) - pendek
Long (hair) -
Curly (hair) - keriting
What colour is her eyes? - Apa warna mata anda?
Her eye colour is blue - Matanya biru
What colour is his hair? - Apa warna rambut anda?
His hair colour is brown and straight - Rambutnya coklat dan pendek
Pendiam - quiet
Humoris - humourous
Ramah - friendly
Baik hati - nice
Pemalu - shy
What's their personality like? - Bagaimana sifatnya? (sifat = personality)
They are nice and friendly - Sifatnya baik hati dan ramah
I am shy - Sifat saya pemalu
Hair and eye colour
Colour - warna
Black - hitam
Red - merah
Pink - merah muda
Green - hijau
Blue - biru
Purple - ungu
Orange - jingga
White - putih
Blonde - pirang
Brown - coklat
Grey - abu-abu
What colour is...? - Apa warna .....?
Eyes - mata
Hair - rambut
Short (hair) - pendek
Long (hair) -
Curly (hair) - keriting
What colour is her eyes? - Apa warna mata anda?
Her eye colour is blue - Matanya biru
What colour is his hair? - Apa warna rambut anda?
His hair colour is brown and straight - Rambutnya coklat dan pendek
Friday, April 08, 2005
Hobinya = hobbies
Apa hobinya? = What hobbies?
Playing computer = main komputer
Playing the guitar = main gitar
Playing soccer = main sepak bola
Playing basketball = main bola basket
Playing tennis = main tenis
Playing the piano = main piano
Flying a kite = main layang-layang
Playing a congklak = main congklak
Reading the newspaper = membaca surat kabar (membaca = read, surat kabar = newspaper)
Listening to music = medengarkan musik (medengarkan = listen, musik = music)
Drinking tea = minum teh (minum = drink, teh = tea)
Studying = belajar
Cooking = memasak
Washing the car = mencuci mobil
Sewing = menjahit
So therefore...
My hobbies are playing the guitar and piano = Hobi saya main gitar dan piano (dan = and)
His/her hobbies are cooking and playing the computer = Hobinya memasak dan main komputer
If sedang is an action word (-ing) in progress in a written form, and lagi indicates an action word (-ing) in progress in a spoken form....:
I am [currently] sewing = Saya sedang menjahit is the written form, and lagi menjahit is the spoken form
What are you doing, Natasha? - lagi apa, Natasha?
Apa hobinya? = What hobbies?
Playing computer = main komputer
Playing the guitar = main gitar
Playing soccer = main sepak bola
Playing basketball = main bola basket
Playing tennis = main tenis
Playing the piano = main piano
Flying a kite = main layang-layang
Playing a congklak = main congklak
Reading the newspaper = membaca surat kabar (membaca = read, surat kabar = newspaper)
Listening to music = medengarkan musik (medengarkan = listen, musik = music)
Drinking tea = minum teh (minum = drink, teh = tea)
Studying = belajar
Cooking = memasak
Washing the car = mencuci mobil
Sewing = menjahit
So therefore...
My hobbies are playing the guitar and piano = Hobi saya main gitar dan piano (dan = and)
His/her hobbies are cooking and playing the computer = Hobinya memasak dan main komputer
If sedang is an action word (-ing) in progress in a written form, and lagi indicates an action word (-ing) in progress in a spoken form....:
I am [currently] sewing = Saya sedang menjahit is the written form, and lagi menjahit is the spoken form
What are you doing, Natasha? - lagi apa, Natasha?
Age, weight, height
How old are you? - Berapa umur anda? (berapa = how many (when dealing with numbers), umur = age)
How old is your mother? - Berapa umur ibu anda?
I am 20 years old - Umur saya dua puluh tahun. (dua puluh = 20, tahun = yr)
She/he is 53 years old - Umurnya lima puluh tiga tahun. (umur = his/her age, lima puluh tiga = 53)
My grandfather is 70 years old - Umur kakak saya tujuh puluh tahun. (literally: age grandfather mine seventy yrs)
Weight = berat badan (short form = berat)
kilograms = kilogram, kg
How much do you weigh? = Berapa berat anda?
How much does your older brother weigh? = Berapa berat kakek laki-laki anda?
I weigh 50 kilograms = Berat saya lima puluh kilogram.
My little sister weighs 35 kilograms = Berat adik perempuan tiga puluh lima kg.
S/He weighs 69 kg = Beratnya enam puluh sembilan kg.
Height = tinggi badan (short form = tinggi)
Centimetres = sentimeter, sm
How tall are you? = Berapa tinggi anda?
How tall is your mother? = Berapa tinggi ibu anda?
I am 152cm tall = Tinggi saya seratus lima puluh sentimeter.
My mother is 148cm tall = Tinggi ibu saya seratus empat puluh delapan sm.
S/he is 164cm tall = Tingginya seratus enam puluh empat sm.
How old are you? - Berapa umur anda? (berapa = how many (when dealing with numbers), umur = age)
How old is your mother? - Berapa umur ibu anda?
I am 20 years old - Umur saya dua puluh tahun. (dua puluh = 20, tahun = yr)
She/he is 53 years old - Umurnya lima puluh tiga tahun. (umur = his/her age, lima puluh tiga = 53)
My grandfather is 70 years old - Umur kakak saya tujuh puluh tahun. (literally: age grandfather mine seventy yrs)
Weight = berat badan (short form = berat)
kilograms = kilogram, kg
How much do you weigh? = Berapa berat anda?
How much does your older brother weigh? = Berapa berat kakek laki-laki anda?
I weigh 50 kilograms = Berat saya lima puluh kilogram.
My little sister weighs 35 kilograms = Berat adik perempuan tiga puluh lima kg.
S/He weighs 69 kg = Beratnya enam puluh sembilan kg.
Height = tinggi badan (short form = tinggi)
Centimetres = sentimeter, sm
How tall are you? = Berapa tinggi anda?
How tall is your mother? = Berapa tinggi ibu anda?
I am 152cm tall = Tinggi saya seratus lima puluh sentimeter.
My mother is 148cm tall = Tinggi ibu saya seratus empat puluh delapan sm.
S/he is 164cm tall = Tingginya seratus enam puluh empat sm.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Numbers in Indonesian
How many ____?? (Berapa _____?)
1 - satu
2 - dua
3 - tiga
4 - empat
5 - lima
6 - enam
7 - tujuh
8 - delapan
9 - sembilan
10 - sepuluh
11 - sebelas
12 - dua belas
13 - tiga belas
14 - empat belas
20 - dua puluh
30 - tiga puluh
47 - empat puluh tujuh
99 - sembilan puluh sembilan
100 - seratus
136 - seratus tiga puluh enam
200 - dua ratus
300 - tiga ratus
999 - sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan
1 - satu
2 - dua
3 - tiga
4 - empat
5 - lima
6 - enam
7 - tujuh
8 - delapan
9 - sembilan
10 - sepuluh
11 - sebelas
12 - dua belas
13 - tiga belas
14 - empat belas
20 - dua puluh
30 - tiga puluh
47 - empat puluh tujuh
99 - sembilan puluh sembilan
100 - seratus
136 - seratus tiga puluh enam
200 - dua ratus
300 - tiga ratus
999 - sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan
Family tree (silsilah keluarga)
Grandfather - Kakek
Grandmother - Nenek
Father - Bapak
Mother - Ibu
Older brother - Kakak laki-laki
Older sister - Kakak perempuan
Me - saya
Little brother - Adik laki-laki
Little sister - Adik perempuan
Grandmother - Nenek
Father - Bapak
Mother - Ibu
Older brother - Kakak laki-laki
Older sister - Kakak perempuan
Me - saya
Little brother - Adik laki-laki
Little sister - Adik perempuan
Other chapter 1 new words/phrases
Kenalkan - Let me introduce...
Nama saya - my name is ____. eg Kenalkan, nama saya Rob. (saya = I/Me, nama = name)
Where are you from? - Anda dari mana? (anda = you, dari = from, mana = where)
I am from Perth - Saya berasal dari Perth. (berasal dari is the formal way of saying "from".)
Ini - this. Itu - that.
Itu siapa? - Who's that? (siapa = who)
Ini adik saya - This is my little sibling.
Rob adik saya - My younger sibling is Rob. (adik = younger sibling. to indicate that Rob is a male, use "adik laki laki". to indicate its a girl, use "adik perempuan")
I used to live in Java island - "Dulu, saya tinggal di pulau Jawa". (Dulu = previously, tinggal = live, di = in/at, pulau = island, Jawa = Java)
I currently live in Medan - "Sekerang, saya tinggal di Kota Medan". (Sekerang = currently, Kota Medan = city of Medan. Kota does not need to be present.)
I just moved to Indonesia - "Saya baru pindah ke Indonesia" (baru = just, moved = pindah, ke = to)
Dia - he/she
She is an Australian - "Dia orang Australia" (orang = person)
Come over to my place? - Mampir ke rumah, yuk? (mampir = visit, rumah = house, yuk = used when inviting another to do something)
Bapak dan Ibu ada di rumah - Father and Mother are at home. (Bapak = dad, dan = and, ibu = mother)
Would you like a drink? - Mau minum? (Mau = want, minum = drink)
Thank you - Terima Kasih
You're welcome - Kembali
abjad - alphabet
benar - true false - salah
Pak - Mr, Sir or father. eg Pak Jones = Mr Jones.
Bu - Mrs, Ms, Madam or mother. eg Bu Linda - Mrs Linda
Aduh! - wow!
boleh - Ok, thanks, I'd like that, can, allow
Nama saya - my name is ____. eg Kenalkan, nama saya Rob. (saya = I/Me, nama = name)
Where are you from? - Anda dari mana? (anda = you, dari = from, mana = where)
I am from Perth - Saya berasal dari Perth. (berasal dari is the formal way of saying "from".)
Ini - this. Itu - that.
Itu siapa? - Who's that? (siapa = who)
Ini adik saya - This is my little sibling.
Rob adik saya - My younger sibling is Rob. (adik = younger sibling. to indicate that Rob is a male, use "adik laki laki". to indicate its a girl, use "adik perempuan")
I used to live in Java island - "Dulu, saya tinggal di pulau Jawa". (Dulu = previously, tinggal = live, di = in/at, pulau = island, Jawa = Java)
I currently live in Medan - "Sekerang, saya tinggal di Kota Medan". (Sekerang = currently, Kota Medan = city of Medan. Kota does not need to be present.)
I just moved to Indonesia - "Saya baru pindah ke Indonesia" (baru = just, moved = pindah, ke = to)
Dia - he/she
She is an Australian - "Dia orang Australia" (orang = person)
Come over to my place? - Mampir ke rumah, yuk? (mampir = visit, rumah = house, yuk = used when inviting another to do something)
Bapak dan Ibu ada di rumah - Father and Mother are at home. (Bapak = dad, dan = and, ibu = mother)
Would you like a drink? - Mau minum? (Mau = want, minum = drink)
Thank you - Terima Kasih
You're welcome - Kembali
abjad - alphabet
benar - true false - salah
Pak - Mr, Sir or father. eg Pak Jones = Mr Jones.
Bu - Mrs, Ms, Madam or mother. eg Bu Linda - Mrs Linda
Aduh! - wow!
boleh - Ok, thanks, I'd like that, can, allow

Selamat pagi - good morning (from morning-11am)
Selamat siang - good midday (from 11am-3pm)
Selamat sore - good late afternoon (from 3pm-6pm)
Selamat malam - good night (from 6pm onwards)
To say "Welcome!" it's Selamat Datang
Selamat tidur - good night! ZZzz....
The Alphabet
This is probably the hardest thing to remember (in an English speakers mind) - how to pronounce the alphabet!
A - ah
B - be (pronounced beh)
C - che
D - de (pronounced deh)
E - e (pronounced eh)
F - ef
G - ge (pronounced g (for gate) eh)
H - ha
I - ee
J - je
K - ka
L - el
M - em
N - en
O - oh
P - pe (think "pear", without the r)
Q - key
R - air-r
S - ess
T - te
U - oo
V - ve
W - we (pronounced weh)
X - eks
Y - ye (pronounced yeh)
Z - zet
To ask someone how do you spell Angie, spell it "ah en ge ee eh" :)
(btw, asking "how do you spell ____" is "bagaimana ejaannya?" (pronounced ba-guy-ma-na eja-anya)
A - ah
B - be (pronounced beh)
C - che
D - de (pronounced deh)
E - e (pronounced eh)
F - ef
G - ge (pronounced g (for gate) eh)
H - ha
I - ee
J - je
K - ka
L - el
M - em
N - en
O - oh
P - pe (think "pear", without the r)
Q - key
R - air-r
S - ess
T - te
U - oo
V - ve
W - we (pronounced weh)
X - eks
Y - ye (pronounced yeh)
Z - zet
To ask someone how do you spell Angie, spell it "ah en ge ee eh" :)
(btw, asking "how do you spell ____" is "bagaimana ejaannya?" (pronounced ba-guy-ma-na eja-anya)
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Indonesian blogging
Selamat sore!
I decided to do a blog instead of a normal journal for the Indonesian journal assessment because I find that I'm almost always on the computer, and I believe in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). :) I believe this will be the first 'official' student Indonesian language learning blog at my uni... or even the world. haha I guess that this will just be a trial, since my teacher, Bu Indra, doesn't really know what an online journal is.
I decided to do a blog instead of a normal journal for the Indonesian journal assessment because I find that I'm almost always on the computer, and I believe in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). :) I believe this will be the first 'official' student Indonesian language learning blog at my uni... or even the world. haha I guess that this will just be a trial, since my teacher, Bu Indra, doesn't really know what an online journal is.
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